<p>Can anybody give some insight to transfering into Middlebury? Already know no spring of 09, any word on fall 09, past experiences, etc.
<p>i checked the common data set for 2008-2009, there were 15 applicants for transfer and none were accepted, so it looks like Midd doesn’t really use transfer that often, or maybe just because retention was higher than usual. good luck if you are applying for transfer!!</p>
<p>Not sure if the data is for the same class, but the class of 2011 was overenrolled by something like 80+ students. Therefore, even with attrition they may still have had too large of a class. I know this because during a visit, they were talking about converting various rooms into dorm rooms to accomodate the over enrollment. I think that is also why they did not accept spring 09 transfers. Just my thoughts</p>
<p>Yes, in 2008, 15 transfer students applied despite the fact that Middlebury made it clear that they weren’t accepting transfers. Here are some stats from previous years:</p>
<p>Fall 2007: 246 transfer applicants, 30 admitted, 14 enrolled
Fall 2006: 199 transfer applicants, 7 admitted, 4 enrolled
Fall 2005: 230 transfer applicants, 1 admitted, 0 enrolled
Fall 2004: 221 transfer applicants, 9 admitted, 3 enrolled</p>
<p>ah that’s why the number of applicants/acceptees was so low, but still that transfer accepance rate is brutal</p>
<p>Just now have received the message from Middlebury about cancellation the transfer application process. Very frustrated. Seems that they will not accept any applications even the consequent years.</p>
<p><a href=“Transfer Applicants | Middlebury College”>Transfer Applicants | Middlebury College;
<p>They’re obviously over-enrolled for next year.</p>
<p>Do you think that means 2010, or 2011?Just curious…</p>
<p>I think that means for next fall they won’t be accepting transfer students. However, I know they have transfers in feb classes (as they did this past month), so maybe there’s a loop hole if we’re not talking fall?</p>
<p>I meant which class is over-enrolled…I think there were 3 transfer Febs…At least one was an international student…</p>