Midwest Nursing Direct Admin

My D is a junior in HS and is interested in nursing. We are looking for a direct admin options in the Midwest, as most of what I seem to find are east coast. Goal is to keep it affordable and within a day drive. We are from central IL. Any insight would be greatly appreciated!

Carroll university. Great nursing program. Affordable direct admit

Consider the nearby Jesuits. They tend to be good with giving financial aid.

Illinois State, SIU-Carbondale, SIU-Edwardsville, Millikin, Loyola Chicago, Bradley, and Lewis are all direct admit in-state options for you to consider. ISU and SIU will likely be your most inexpensive direct admit options being in-state public schools. We are in IL too and my D has cast a wide net.

Other schools to consider in the Midwest, outside of IL with direct admit: Purdue, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities, Marquette, Saint Louis University, University of Cincinnati, Case Western, and University of Iowa off the top of my head.

What type of school is she looking for?

She is not sure. We have done a virtual meeting with ISU nursing program, and they have a 9% acceptance rate. It seems because of the major, you need to apply to more than normal schools to hopefully just even have a chance. She is a decent student, strong academic record, but does not test well, so the ACT and SAT I am worried about her results impacting acceptance. We have done several virtual visits and it gives you a small idea, but I think she really needs to visit the campus. We had our ISU once cancel for this weekend due to weather. Just seems like these kids can’t catch a break! Plus I am not sure how to narrow down the out of state that would be even affordable.

We were told about the 9% acceptance rate when we did our tour a few months ago. It freaked my D out because she looked at ISU as her “safety” school. She did get accepted into the nursing program (several of her friends did too), with a very nice merit scholarship, making it by far our most financially sound option. She is strong in academics and weaker in standardized testing as well, but she has had much success with this process thus far. She applied DA to 12 schools, was accepted 10, deferred at 2 (the only two schools she didn’t send test scores to because she was on the cusp).

U of Akron too far?It offers now 75 Direct Admits each year, inexpensive and very solid program.


Illinois Wesleyan:

Milwaukee School of Engineering:

University of Evansville:
