Midyear grade reports.. This is BS!

<p>yea cuz I was thinkin, well, probably when I get settled in in one of those schools, I’ll feel better about it and forget MI, but ehh idk. i just dont always wanna be like, dam i should have switched to Michigan or w/e.</p>

<p>“Again, if the school rejected ER you probably would have gotten rejected”
ouch. Coolbrezze, that really wasn’t necessary.</p>

<p>I agree with Qwerty and Motion. I’m sure lots of people have schedules like yours (or even harder), and end up with 4.0’s. U of M expects people to both take really tough classes, AND maintain good GPA’s. Even if you had gotten accepted ER, you probably would have been rescinded with your grades.</p>


Was it that bad, well this is coming from someone who was also deferred so I guess I didn’t see it as harsh. Though I would even apply that statement to myself, if the school rejected during ER I could have gotten rejected myself… instead I too got the bad deferrel.</p>

<p>coolbreeze, so whats plan B for u? wher else did you apply btw?</p>

<p>I would just send in the midyear grades (especially if you got the letter which states you have to) and then just hope for the best. You could always send in extra materials, like an updated resume and/or a letter describing new awards and such, just so they don’t only have to look at your 7th semester grades. I’m not saying that sending in other materials will somehow substitute for your 7th semester grades, but they can only help! I also got deferred, and I’ve already sent in an updated resume, a letter describing my involvement in a club, a letter describing something personal that I didn’t put in my application, and I called and talked to my reviewing counselor.</p>

<p>Lolygagha: what did the counselor say? The thing with UM is its such a big school so they get tons of calls, and it just seems like they want to get off the phone as quickly as possible, at least that’s what it seemed like when my college advisor called up. They basically say, “Alright, great thanks, we’ll put that in your file.”</p>

<p>APineiro I do not even know what plan A is for me if I get accepted into all the universities I applied to as I do not have a top choice school.
I applied to:
University of Iowa
University of Arizona
University of Minnesota
University of Illinois
Boston University
George Washington University
and as you already know University of Michigan.</p>

<p>If you got to Univ. of Arizona be prepared for a damn good 4 years CoolBreeze. While academically its not UM by any means, there’s no denying that the weather, the girls, the sports and all that is top notch. Tucson is sick as well.</p>

<p>hey just wondering, when there’s an A- on your sememster grade…do colleges count it as an A? Or is it weighted less? Thanx</p>

<p>jenny: i think it just shows up as A</p>

<p>coolbreeze: maybe i see you at school nxt year lol. I applied to all the schools in the Big Ten conference =P.
Accepted: Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Purdue, MSU, Penn State, and Indiana
Still waiting for Iowa and NW
Rejected by friggn Ohio State! lol
And as for Michigan… =S</p>

Oh cool, yeah I’m really starting to like Iowa more and more everyday, I was admitted into Iowa and Arizona in October.</p>

<p>Yea Im not gonna lie, idk even which school Im leaning more towards. They all have their perks and they all just basically kick @$$. Im gonna visit them over spring break, so hopefully Ill make up my mind then… but I’ve accepted admission at like 3 of them already lol. Wisconsin, Indiana and Minnesota, and did the housing cuz whatever MOST of that moneys refundable =P</p>

Yeah I accepted admission into University of Iowa already by mistake, but if I happen to go there then no reason to recind my acceptances.
Oh wow you got into some really awsome schools, must be great.</p>

<p>Yea dude but i guess it comes down basically to whoever gives me the most money… like i did the FAFSA forecaster… I think im only gonna have to pay 4K a year for minnesota so thats lookin pretty good</p>

<p>HAHAHAHAHA That sure was funny</p>

<p>I learnt the same lesson in high school. If you can’t do well in a class, don’t take it. Minimum standards matter more than rigor.</p>