<p>K look, I got deferred back in December. My mid year grades are</p>
<p>in 5 AP Classes and an honors. I called Mich and spoke to the guy who deferred me, he said yea you got deferred becuz of all the C's on ur transcript, but everything else was great. And he told me, oh we take into SOME consideration the rigor of your curriculum. And Ive read that before, that they dont really care what classes you took, just about your grades. Guys ***!? And he told me if I have 'stellar' 7th semester grades Im in, so i was like =/</p>
<p>In other words, i would have been better off taking all Honors and regular and getting all A's and B's, instead of slaving and killing myself for 6 months over these classes. </p>
<p>Do you think it would help any if I write them a letter telling them like, oh I thought it was better to aim high and do ok than to aim for mediocrity and do great. tell them that had I known they didnt really care about what courses I take, i would have tooken the easier ones and gotten awsum grades. Ask them if there's any way for them to reconsider, like even put me on academic probation come fall or sumthing? </p>
<p>and idk I could tell them like, oh i learned not to spread myself to thin, and that in college I now know how many classes/or how many hard classes i can take at once and still get good grades. Tell them this was a good learning experience, blah blah, something to butter them up I guess. What this give me a shot?</p>
<p>Okay dude, your 7th semester GPA was a 2.5. You had 4 Cs. Your grades were bad, and don’t seem to indicate you were trying very hard. If I was the admissions officer I would also reject you. If you decided to take all regular classes you probably would have been rejected outright. </p>
<p>There are plenty of people vying for admission getting As in AP classes. Get over yourself.</p>
<p>the general concensus here is that if u’re deferred,ur mid yr report can help ya if u get good grades, now with a bunch of C’s, i think the rejection letter is on its way~</p>
<p>I’m not sure writing a letter to complain about how the only reason you got lower grades is because you took college level courses will help. I mean, you’re going to have to face that problem in less than a year anyway and there’s nothing less inspiring than a student who blames his grades entirely on his courses. What I would recommend instead is to redouble your efforts to make sure that you can bring up that GPA. There is still the end of year report to come in, and you could still turn that deferral into an acceptance if you don’t develop a victim complex and you keep working hard.</p>
<p>If you do good then I would really commend using that. I know that there are community college systems that do guaranteed enrollment to state universities if you maintain a decent GPA although I don’t know if Michigan does that.</p>
<p>Does this translate into, if you got the “medium,” deferral letter and do not send in mid-year grades as they weren’t requested, you have more of a chance?</p>
<p>lol i probably would, but damn I’ve had C’s all through High school, and last year no lie, i sprung some luck. I loved all the classes, and did really well, and i guess thats what kept me from being completely rejected at first lol</p>
<p>yeah, i’m in a similar situation. i’ve taken almost all available AP/Honors classes, with only a few regulars mixed in. so, naturally, i’ve gotten mostly Bs, a few As, & [i think] 2 Cs. it looks bad on the transcript, but all i could have ever done was the best that i could in an extremely competitive school also deferred, btw.</p>
<p>Please don’t take this the wrong way APineiro but Michigan is, as everybody here knows, one of the top universities in the country and the world. Having C’s all throughout high school just doesn’t cut it I’m afraid. Do well at another school and transfer in.</p>
<p>Yeah your very likely to get a rejection soon since one should consider that the university doesn’t even reject applications who apply as ER. Knowing that you typically earn C’s, and so it is again reflected on yoru 7th semester grades I doubt the school would be surprise by the midyear reports. Again, if the school rejected ER you probably would have gotten rejected so like me and others, I would just wait on a final decision but still keep in mind the odds even though there is still a slight possibility ( base off recent admissions) of a acceptance.</p>
Well that’s surprising considering that you average C’s throughout high school. I guess your application may have a hook but seeing 7th semester grades it doesn’t seem to help your application.</p>
<p>He’s not being cocky. He’s telling the truth. The GPA range of the 2013 freshmen class was 3.7-4.0 and you got, not one, but four C’s IN ONE SEMESTER (with a 2.5 total GPA…)! You don’t have a shot with those grades; good luck transferring next year.</p>
I read that usually one should have at least a 3.0 college GPA to be seriously consider for transfer. Though if you got accepted into other schools why not just go there for four years? I’m sure they are great schools.</p>