MIDYEAR REPORT = BAD, what next?

<p>I’ve schemed a plan (which is totally legal) which will guarantee that my school rank isn’t written on the application. Let’s just see if it works out.</p>

<p>Oh and I’m redoing the SAT. I kinda did badly the first time (2180) , but I hadn’t practiced. I bought a study guide and got good scores (2360, 2340, 2380). If I pull off a 2300+, it might add a lil’ shine to my application, make them forget you know…about that…mark.</p>

<p>haha… well it might not show on your app, but what about your transcripts??</p>

<p>My school doesn’t rank but the counselor told me that to not be ranked, even if I’m in the (11th percentile), would put me at a disadvantage. So they use an index to rank us, but that index won’t be released until late Feb. i.e. deadline is the 15th. So I’ll send the report before then, and they will never see a thing.</p>

<p>ohhh…niiiiiice! is ranking what you were most worried about? I am mostly worried about the 78 on my trans :/</p>

<p>well I kind of chose to take the enriched class, so other ppl will have higher marks since theyre in the easier classes with easier teachers. Class rank will take a hit, the mark, in itself, is ok. I can make it up with other stuff like a sexy new SAT score.</p>

<p>haha true that, I guess. good luck!!</p>

<p>shizniz, are you from quebec?</p>

<p>A lot of people on this site have said that your senior grades only need to show a general trend with the rest of your schooling. So basically, if you don’t fail anything they’re going to realize that you didn’t stop being the student you’ve maintained for three years unless it’s blatantly obvious you have.</p>