I might get suspended from school because I forgot my lunch money at home so I left to get it.
The security guard walked with me and tried to stop me but I refused to listen because this was the same security guard who was hassled me before.
He called his small security squad on me and the the security guards understood my scenario and were sympathetic because I just wanted to eat, but the dean insisted that I broke the rules by leaving for lunch and he asked for my name, and without resisting I gave it to him.
He told me that the fact I had nothing to eat since midday yesterday was not his problem (which I agree) but he threatened to suspend me for it and knowing this dean, he probably will.
If I get suspended for 1 day or max of 2 (max for my school’s policy of cutting/ditching) will that destroy my chances of getting into a good school. Not ivy but somewhat prestigous one? I have 95’s across the board take 3 AP’s and have never gotten in trouble. How bad can this be for me? I work so very hard and I have a feeling this mistake will destroy me.
I’m not looking for sympathetic, sugar-coated responses. Just the truth.
If you were a fly on the wall during admissions readings, you might be embarrassed that the admissions officers are laughing at this.
Colleges do not want to see suspensions for academic dishonesty, bullying, drug dealing, and similar offenses. They do not care if a school issued a suspension for going to BK for lunch, having a smoke in the boys’ room, or drinking a beer at prom.
Are you handling this alone? Are your parents involved? I would have them call the dean today! The punishment of a suspension just does not fit the crime! I agree with skieurope! Admission counselors are humans who also went to high school. They understand and remember what it is like to be in class and starving to death. I do think that you owe the security guard an apology. He was just doing his job and you have to respect authority. Tell the dean you will write a heartfelt apology.
Leaving campus, particularly after being told by a school authority figure to not do so, is certainly a suspension offence. I agree that it won’t mean a bit in admission.
Our high school does not suspend after one offense like this. They would give a stern warning, detention, but not a suspension. I still stand by my statement.
But then again, there would be a lawyer sitting in the deans office if they tried to suspend the student.