Million Dollar Band Auditions

<p>Hi, I’m currently considering UA and I am very interested in being part of the MDB. I’ve marched three years in HS (trumpet) and am pretty good. I was just wondering if anyone had any information on the audition process, how hard it is to make it, ect. Also, are these auditions something I would have to travel down to UA to do, or does an OOS-er simply send video or something? The major question, though, is hoe difficult it is to actually make it into the marching band. </p>


<p>There are several on this forum with first hand experience who I am sure can give you great info. We met with a rep from the MDB last week regarding both marching and color guard and were told that auditions for both are in April, on site, although if need be can be sumbmitted via a DVD.</p>

<p>Alabama no longer requires pre-Band Camp auditions. All those interested in the band have to register on the website and attend the Band Camp which takes place the week before move-in. Auditions are held the first day of band camp, so you won’t know if you’re really in it until you get there.</p>

<p>Hmmm… Thats strange since Heath Nails met with us for about 45 min last week when we were on campus and described in detail what the spring auditions consisted of inlcuding deviation in required scales if you were auditioning via DVD… not that I doubted you :slight_smile: but I checked the web site and it says as you do that you can show up with the completed recomendation and registration and audition at band camp.</p>

<p>[Million</a> Dollar Band Auditions | University of Alabama Bands](<a href=“]Million”></p>