Million dollar band

<p>I was wondering if anyone, current students, parents of students, even alumni, who has in some way been a part of the band at Alabama could tell me a little bit about it, maybe why they did it or how much try enjoyed it. I’m really interested in joining, as I loved band in high school, but I know it would be a huge commitment. Any advice at all would be awesome, thanks!</p>

<p>I think Bamamom2B’s D is in MDB. I think she just went to Italy with the MDB.</p>

<p>Pretty sure Hokie Fan has a child in the MDB also? you might want to send a PM if you don’t get a response here…</p>

<p>Hokiefan here. I could not let a chance go by without commenting on the band. My son was a freshman last year (aerospace engineering) and played in the band. He had such a good time in the MDB he tried out for the pep band and liked that even more. According to him, it is a huge time committment, lots of walking ,bike riding from the dorm to Butler field. But so worth it. He made a lot of friends and can’t wait to do it all over again. He was in marching band and concert band for 4 years in high school. He was first or second chair and his band is an honor band. So he was used to the competitive environment and lots of work. But band at Bama is big time. His reward: a trip to Auburn and Florida plus the BCS championship game. A trip to Nashville with the women’s basketball team and a trip to Georgia to see the gymnastics team win a national championship. Not bad for a freshman. PM me if you want me details outside the realm of this forum.</p>

<p>I forgot to mention he did manage to pledge the engineering fraternity and join a few clubs. Also made the president’s list both semesters. Lets just say he has great time management skills. He said he slept well most nights and ate most meals on his meal plan. I swear that is why he was NEVER sick. I must have the only kid who eats so often in the dining hall.</p>

<p>Good luck and welcome aboard.</p>

<p>I was a flag dragger back in the day and husband was a tuba player. We had heavy flags and didn’t do the fancy stuff they do now. Half our draggers were gay (for real) guys. What’s not to love - you get a reserved seat for games, you get a couple of free trips to out of town games and you go to the bowl game - all expenses paid. And you never have to worry about what to wear to a game or where to park! Seriously - it was a great experience we’ll always treasure. Great camaraderie, great pride in representing the U of A.</p>

<p>What instrument do you play? I have so many friends in the band it’s ridiculous. In fact, one of my best friends made drum major for this upcoming year. Yes band is a big time commitment. You have band camp before the school year even begins, then practice nearly every day during football season. It’s hot and tiring, but you already know that, you’ve done band before. But I’ve only had one friend at Bama who dropped band. Everyone else has really tried to stick with it because they love it so much. My friends have been to two football national championships, paid for by the university. They’ve witnessed some of the greatest moments in our sports history. Half of the band just went to Italy for nearly two weeks. MDB members are usually among the most passionate of Alabama fans - how can you not be if you are such an integral part of our school spirit? So I would highly advise you to consider doing it, at least your freshman year. You’ll make wonderful friends and have a lot of fun. As long as you can manage your time well and don’t over commit, you should be fine.</p>

<p>Mesquite- I had to laugh about what you wrote about the people in band. That is how my son is. He basically told us he is never quitting the band. I’ve reminded him that future engineering work/internships may interfere in band committments. His response, not an option. He is in a smaller section so he got to know the students in his section real well. My son just loves music so this is his way of enjoying it and getting a break from the school work grind.</p>

<p>Nice to see you back Mesquite!</p>

<p>This is all really great input guys and I appreciate it so much. I’ve registered and I plan on attending band camp, but I have a scheduling question. Every other Monday, I have a Blount seminar class that would interfere with band practice. I know there are ways to work around that in principle, but until I figure out what that is I can’t even register for the marching band class (MUA 153) because of the conflict. Does anyone know how I can get the class on my schedule?</p>

<p>I doubt you could miss any band practices…</p>

<p>Actually, everyone is allowed to miss one practice per week, and I would only be missing one every other week. I just don’t know how to get it on my schedule.</p>

<p>XX- I’ll speak to my son when he gets home and ask who you need to contact for an override. My son had to do that for the fall semester also. I’ll PM you the info.

<p>Thanks so much hokiefan!</p>

<p>Hey everyone! I came in last year on the first day of band camp with practically no experience marching, but after a year in the MDB, I love it! It was a great opportunity to meet a bunch of amazing people and go travel with the football (and later basketball) teams! If you have any doubt about joining, just do it, you won’t regret it!</p>

<p>XX- I sent you a PM over the weekend.</p>

<p>Hokiefan, check your inbox. Thanks!</p>

<p>Missread- </p>

<p>Check your box. Just answered your question. Happy to help.</p>