Minnesotan interested in Canada

My daughter is interested in The University of Manitoba. Does anyone have experience as a Minnesotan attending U of Manitoba? She is also looking at public universities in MN and WI, as well as privates in other states. Does anyone know if University of Manitoba offers any merit aid to outstanding students from MN? The reciprocity with our state and their program in what she wants to study makes it a possible option. Their website seems to indicate all the merit scholarship are for either students from Canadian or international students paying international tuition rates (which she would not due to the reciprocity).

In addition to the merit question, are there any other items to be aware of? Tips, advice from a fellow Minnesotan who has been there/done that?

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No idea but Iā€™m going to try to convince my S23 to apply to some MN schools. :slight_smile:

My friends daughter goes to a uni in Canada but they are dual citizens and Im not sure how her financial aid stacked up.

Good luck though! Sounds like a great opportunity!