Minor in Spanish

I am majoring in Engineering and i have a few doubts about minors.Can i minor in spanish although i don’t have any previous experience of learning it?

Sure you can, but it’s probably not a great idea. You probably will not have room in your schedule to fit the high number of hours required for a Spanish minor. It’s not like a traditional minor. It takes 25-29 hours to complete. Since you’re a newbie, it would be 29 for you. That’s nearly an extra school year of classes.

Why do you want the minor? It’s a difficult minor. Why not just take some classes to be somewhat fluent?

I agree with @mom2collegekids. Minoring in Spanish should be possible, but is not going to be easy at this point and might significantly delay your graduation. Also, at least where I live Spanish is not the most useful minor for an engineering major. I suppose if you were a civil engineer in Southern California or Texas it might be very different from what I have experienced up here in New England.

I know someone who has taken a French immersion course over the summer and liked it a lot. I am guessing that there might be something similar available in Spanish. I don’t see why this would need to have anything to do with your university courses and requirements.

My son’s a civil engineering major with a Spanish minor, but he had dual credit for for the first two years of classes and was prepared to start in a 300 level class his first semester.

As noted above, with no prior experience, it would be very challenging to fit all the courses in with the engineering courses. If you feel like it’s something that you REALLY want to do, I’d recommend looking into the UA in Spain program that would allow you to earn some of the Spanish credits during the summer.