<p>So, is it difficult to get rid of a minor once you have declared it? All along I have been thinking about a photo minor, and am really mad that to take photo classes at UCSD you have to be a photo minor. My mom and I think I should just declare it and take the classes. My major is Earth Science, which will be directed towards oceanography for grad school, so a photography minor would actually be a benefit. My dad thinks it is sorta a bad idea to declare a minor to be able to take classes, but I also don't think he realized how into photo I am..</p>
<p>Photos. Serious business.</p>
<p>Anyway, you're going to have to talk to the department in charge of the photo minor. Some minors/majors require a petition in order to declare them, while others meany ou just take the appropriate classes.</p>
<p>Many of the leaders at Orientation and such mentioned that if theres a class out there that you want to take that requires declaring a major or minor, declare it just to try the class. </p>
<p>I would assume if they can say that, it must be rather easy to switch majors and minors.</p>