<p>I’m not a fan of the mayor. I hope my last post didn’t make me sound like one.
He was just a prime example of a CC transfer “miracle”. </p>
<p>I wont get started on Arnold Schwarzenegger being an SMC student at one point either!</p>
<p>I’m not a fan of the mayor. I hope my last post didn’t make me sound like one.
He was just a prime example of a CC transfer “miracle”. </p>
<p>I wont get started on Arnold Schwarzenegger being an SMC student at one point either!</p>
<p>ahahahah that’s sad ! seriously wen is his term as mayor going to be done… grrrrrrrr</p>
<p>Dude the bar is HELLA hard.</p>
<p>Lmao, guys, I intern for Mayor Villaraigosa. This past week has not been easy.</p>
<p>You work for the Mayor? Tell him to stop saying one thing and doing the exact opposite. He’s the definition of politician in the most debauched sense. Plus he’s done nothing of value in the way of policy.</p>
<p>Someone’s heated.</p>
<p>On topic, 3.14 in at UCLA for anthro last year.</p>
<p>Voter apathy kept Villaraigosa in. Only 274,254 people voted for a Mayor in the city election in March 2009. </p>
<p>Just to add, I didn’t vote for him. I voted for Zuma Dogg.</p>
did that 3.14 have tap?</p>
<p>They had 3.15 and no TAP.</p>
<p>Just browsing through the UCLA Fall 2009 admit thread for <3.5 GPAs…
3.21 - Political Science
3.01 - Geography (TAP, alt. major)
3.4 - Anthropology
3.45 - Political Science (TAP)
3.3 - Architecture
3.46 - English (TAP)
3.17 - Biz Econ (sketch about this one…!)
3.34 - Molecular Biology
3.46 - English
3.14 - Chemistry
3.43 - Math/Econ
3.47 - Philosophy
3.4 - Economics
3.2 - Design (private transfer)
3.4 - Political Science
3.4 - Psychology
3.33 - Applied Math
2.7 - English
3.3 - Anthropology
3.41 - Psychology</p>
<p>Goooood looking out erikuh!!!</p>
<p>3.17 biz econ better be the founder of a fortune 500 company haha</p>
<p>does anyone know hwy and why people get admitted as undeclared with like 2.9s ??</p>
<p>My theory is sophomore athletic recruit transfers??</p>
<p>thats what ive always thought too, but i just never see anything about recruits. oh well, not gonna help me anyway lol</p>
<p>You guys shouldn’t loose hope based on a low gpa. My cousin was a 3.4 and got admitted into Stanford as a transfer(dont ask how… I have yet to figure that one out).</p>
<p>Did your cousin have a top-notch SAT score? I want to apply, but I haven’t taken it :/. Does your cousin now attend Stanford?</p>
Are those averages or the lowest you’ve seen?</p>
<p>^ No, I just grabbed those off an old acceptance thread off here.</p>
<p>I wouldn’t necessarily lose hope if your GPA is under the ones I’ve posted. There are probably people with lower GPA’s who don’t post on here.
But I would note the average acceptance GPA’s listed here would be your best point of reference for UCLA: [Profile</a> of Admitted Transfer Students by Major, Fall 2009 - UCLA Undergraduate Admissions](<a href=“http://www.admissions.ucla.edu/prospect/Adm_tr/Tr_Prof09_mjr.htm]Profile”>http://www.admissions.ucla.edu/prospect/Adm_tr/Tr_Prof09_mjr.htm)</p>
<p>the best i know is someone who got into UCB Econ with a 3.4</p>
<p>I’m hoping my military service will give me some leeway at UCLA and UCB. I’ve applied to both business schools (bizecon at UCLA) with a 3.45 overall. My GPA isn’t that great because in my year of college before entering the service I had a 2.4 (which was back in 2003-2004). Since going back three semesters ago I have a 3.8 and after this semester I’ll have 75 units under my belt. My problem is I only have 6 of 7 breadth requirements for Berkeley completed and I haven’t taken calculus yet. That would be a problem for LA and Berkeley. It kinda sucks that I’ll probably be SOL because of one or two classes. As I understand it, Berkeley is very strict about having these courses completed before admission… I’m not holding my breath.</p>