Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

@skieurope I didn’t phrase my statement well. The clarity I was seeking was around why CC limits posting on old threads. @Garandman has a good point about people having to start new threads for answers, even if they have tried to research issues by reading already existing threads. Maybe it is better to leave them open, and accept that the original poster might be gone, but newer ones might chime in… just one for the Suggestion Box.

Oh, OK.

Well since you clarified that, then the answer is “File that things under things that aren’t gonna happen.” :slight_smile: @london203

The last time we closed old threads, we closed over 61K of them. The process is automated, so we can’t pick and choose.

I have willingly reopened old threads, and will continue to do so if warranted (and merge 2 threads together). One only has to ask me. I would much rather do that than what we used to do in manually closing old threads that were needlessly bumped.

Thanks for the update, @skieurope. There is clearly a lot more at work behind the scenes! While I am on the subject; THANK YOU VERY MUCH for your work on this board. It is a kinder, nicer place for it. In case you are feeling under-appreciated: don’t!.

@london203 My pleasure :slight_smile:

Ditto @london203 ! I recently read where someone was going out of their way to be rude to @skieurope We appreciate you!! Sorry you have to keep us in line!!! I’m sure it’s like herding cats!

Here is a suggestion : Please keep in mind that many of the “new” OP’s to CC are teens and may be seeking support and sweetness - not sarcasm. There is a kind and supportive way to inform new CC users of “searching” on CC for topics and answers. There are some new students and parents on here who value making supportive connections with others applying to prep schools (see Prep School Admissions). Maybe, many years ago, you may have been one of those new parents or students who asked questions already answered on previous threads. There is also a forum for your ramblings if you want to vent - gee, we are on it :-/

A couple of the regulars here regularly provide links to past threads that have addressed, and often exhausted, questions that are being raised anew. I think that’s really helpful. If there’s more to be added, that can happen but it saves everyone a lot of effort.

Oh but that frustration when you recall a thread that is on point, but can’t find it try as you might! ~X(

Yes @AppleNotFar !!! It makes me think I hallucinated the entire thing!!! It does no to do well for this aging brain…now, where is my Namenda?

Or the moderator corollary: When you know that the “new” user is really a banned user, but cannot remember who. :slight_smile:

Maybe it is post-partum April 10th depression, but CC has become very negative of late…I would hope that CC remains a safe and supportive place for students and parents. It is disturbing that some people have been rude or have broken the rules. For many families, especially those of us not from the NE and some distance from the BS cultures, this forum has served as an important resource. Likewise, this should be a forum of kindness and honesty - not judgement, not rudeness, not “snark” and not bullying. IMHO kids should be off limits for rude or judgemental comments - even via PM. The reason why some people may desire to leave CC may relate to attitude, not repetitive questions.

Sometimes it is difficult to find the exact thread or post - some of you have been on CC everyday for several years and can remember every post, it seems. Especially your own. People may simply want to connect with others new to applying to BS, or may initially ask redundant questions simply because in the past they have been deemed safe content. People may disagree with you, but you should be respectful of others on this forum. Applying to schools is stressful enough! For some people in other parts of the world (including ours), CC provides the only platform for social support in the application process. No need to judge or preach. Please be nice [-X

“For some people in other parts of the world (including ours), CC provides the only platform for social support in the application process.”

There is much truth behind this for many @Golfgr8 and being able to connect in a positive way with like-minded parents is phenomenal!!

On the other end, I’ve always appreciated this closed thread because it was helpful to know I wasn’t the only one receiving such negative reactions locally.

@Golfgr8 and @RuralAmerica we still get asked what DS did to have him sent to BS…and now the questions are starting to shift to…when do you think your son will be able to com back home? As “how long will he be punished?” As comical as it is, it becomes irritating…just like the recent encounter with the real estate person…sigh.

The negative reactions have continued on to college for us. Why the military? Did you run out of money? When will he end up in Afghanistan? Why did he enlist? Will he go to college later?

Smile and nod.

Omg @ChoatieMom I can think of so many provocative responses to those questions. I’m just saying them aloud to my dogs…it’s much safer that way! =))

Speaking of which…one of DS’s teachers gave feedback recently. “Sometimes his use of sentences for vocabulary seem to be intentionally provocative, for example, taking a contrarian view on a charged topic”. Hmmm, could this possibly be my son?? :-?

@buuzn03 =))

My kiddo is so contrary that when her art teacher recently told the class to give each other “feedback” on their projects, she told him “Feedback is SO negative. If it’s meant to actually help us you should call it feed-FORWARD… =D> Can’t wait to see this grade posted 8-|

Now if the art teacher had been a STEM teacher, the teacher response might have involved this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feedback#/media/File:Ideal_feedback_model.svg. :slight_smile:

@buuzn03 @ChoatieMom Smile and nod seems right–an exercise in restraint.