Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

I’ll call the restaurant and ask! Or maybe I’ll just have to go again! When we were leaving, I asked the bartender what made his sangria so wonderful and he said, Prosecco! I should’ve thrown him up against the wall and demanded more information. :wink:

Prosecco makes everything better. I always add a splash when I make smoked honey whiskey sours.

Hmmm… I don’t see a thread having been created for the “Official Acceptance Decisions & Stats” for this year’s crop of BS applicants. Am I missing it somehow? Or has no one created one for this year? Seems very odd to me!

Never mind. Thanks, ski.

It already exists @cameo43 @ChoatieMom

@cameo43 I saw it somewhere…I looked because I thought the same thing. They gave you kudos, as they copied the original format. @skieurope had it locked and told them not to expect it open at 8 am because, by God, it was the weekend and he wasn’t waking up early! :))

Actually, the post said that I would unlock it at 6 a.m. I wasn’t going to tell the younguns, but given that tomorrow is a Saturday, and that I am finally of legal drinking age in the US, one should assume I’ll have a weekend cocktail or two. :smiley:

Blame skimom; she was not having any of this 6 a.m. nonsense on Christmas Day when we were kids.

Happy (belated?) 21st birthday @skieurope ! Will there be an admissions results post that people can post on as decisions come in? Like a Accepted/Waitlisted/Denied post? I thought I remembered seeing one last year or the year before that.

@livelaughxc that thread is also created and locked. It will be open tomorrow by @skieurope

I’m so very happy for my daughter. One of the things she most looked forward to doing at college was joining an a cappella group. Her WPI aca ensemble is competing tomorrow night in the ICCA (International Championship of Collegiate A cappella ) Quarterfinals. (Think “Pitch Perfect”! LOL) This is their spring break week, and they have been back on campus since Tuesday, rehearsing for 6-7 hours every day. I’ll be there in Hartford tomorrow, along with about a dozen of my nearest and dearest, and even some faculty from her boarding school, too! I’m so excited! Can’t wait to see all these talented groups perform. :slight_smile:

Go cameogirl! That’s amazing!

Sounds like one of the more fun events to attend in support of your kid, @cameo43 . If I were local, I would want to join you!! Hope it’s fun and that they are happy with their performance!

Congratulations to your very talented daughter @cameo43 !

So cool, @cameo43!

@skieurope I’m singing Happy Birthday to You right now. I hope it’s not bothering your headache too much.

I meant that I’m 21 for this admissions cycle. My actual birthday was months ago. But thanks.

The locked threads have been reopened. Good luck to all.

Go CameoKid! :slight_smile:

You rock, CameoKid! :slight_smile:

I just remembered why I left CC… it was in April , wasn’t it? WL thread- right? It’s all coming back to me now…

Yeah, that thread became very toxic in April.

It’s been fun observing so many great outcomes today…without the anxiety of having a dog in the fight this year. :-SS

I’m jumping on a plane Monday so no repeat performance for me! :slight_smile: