Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

I suspect that the spaghetti throwers are obvious…

…At least those that post in the “Chance Me” threads are. Some of them openly volunteer “go big, or go home.”

What’s less obvious are the caged groundhogs whose parents mistake them for caged lions during Covid.


My least favorite saying on the CC Prep Forum.


I feel like some people are underestimating how much one can love to “go home.”
(said lounging again on couch with a blanket and squishy puppy on my lap…)


I’m curious to know what schools do with this information. They must know very few applicants, if any, apply to only one school. Taking PA and PEA as an example. The chance mes suggest that most applicants apply to both schools if they apply to one. Will the schools think these applicants are more likely to turn down an offer than those who apply to other less well known schools?

@Calliemomofgirls Sorry, meant to quote your comment on schools asking what else did you apply to. First time trying to quote and Failed miserably…

@G07b10 Very few schools ask that question on the actual application, presumably to see if they are a safety, or to get a sense for what kind of school you are looking for. Andover/Exeter do NOT ask that question. (or at least they didn’t last year when DD2 was in the app cycle – DD3 didn’t consider either school this year.)

Andover asked DD this time, and a local day school did as well.

Andover AO asked my DD this year in her interview (and she didn’t apply to both PEA and PA, just to PA although I agree that it’s probably not the norm).

This has clearly become the adult equivalent of the student’s Freakout thread, I’m trying to escape, but I can’t…

Who is going to bring up UPS/FedEx notifications? :crazy_face:

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Did your daughter give specific names? DD didn’t, and they didn’t push for names.

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NO NO NO NO NO!!! I am sorry-- PLEASE forgive me!!!

Someone, quick - save this thread and bring out the cocktails, BeeGees and appetizers!!! This thread should always remain freakout free!


I tried to gently suggest a way to answer that question to DD without telling her ad verbatim what to say, and how to do it without naming schools.
But she just ‘blurted’.

She’s a terrible liar and hasn’t sufficiently mastered the discretion needed to dodge the question. She’s unlikely to make a good politician!

In order to go home, one has to first leave home…


NO NO NO NO NO!!! I am sorry-- PLEASE forgive me!!!

Someone, quick - save this thread and bring out the cocktails, BeeGees and appetizers!!! This thread should always remain freakout free!<<<


That’s PERFECT! :heart::heart:

Well here’s a more distracting topic. I am headed to a funeral visitation. I am realizing that I have put on a few pounds and now at my funeral clothes don’t really fit that very well anymore. So I’m going to be holding in my stomach the next 2 hours. Should make a fun experience!

Also to answer the question people are probably having it is for my grandmother. On the one hand it’s sad. On the other, she was 90 and had 85 good years. Alzheimer’s took the last five which were getting progressively worse. She has been non verbal for a while. The last couple of years have been a lot more sad than today. She has been gone for a while.

So no need to offer condolences and feel bad today. Feel free to just mock me for the fact that my clothes don’t fit anymore. Apparently I need to get on Callie’s program and start the process of making myself presentable again.


@dadof4kids I’m sorry for your loss, albeit I am 5 years remiss. Dementia is a very hard disease on everyone involved.

OTOH, I saw an ad for yoga dress pants. JIC you should need to dress up again in the near future. :joy:


My father just passed (94) he had Alzheimer’s. The toughest part was giving his eulogy. Who ever gives this one, give them a hug. I really needed one. Covid really tried to ruin a good Irish Wake. But we still made it happen. Good luck with the pants.


I am still trying to wrap my head around the fact that you have specific funeral clothes.


Not to worry. The kids are discussing it on the freakout thread. :roll_eyes:

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