Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

They were pointed in that direction. They are every year. But few choose to listen. I just hate the heartbreak that they are experiencing this year. Especially for those who DID apply to hidden gems, and were still given bad news.


They did. You can lead a horse to water…


Agreed. I shouldn’t be, but I am shocked by the number of kids who posted something like, “rejected by Exeter, Andover, SPS, LVille, and Deerfield, I can’t believe I didn’t get in anywhere and have to go to my local school that I hate.” My daughter only applied to two schools, but I was very clear that if she didn’t get in, she was going to the public high school. If they had cast a wider net, any school better than their public high school would be a win. It all repeats again in the college forums… :rofl:


It’s hard for the kids to really understand that they aren’t “the” person for the school until you get the actual results. I know we had a lot of gut punches today with so many waitlists. We were an FA family.

People are talking about the 2026 cliff. Those will be the kids born in 2008 during the financial crisis. There are much fewer babies that year. Next year will be great for applicants!

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I really appreciate the INCREDIBLE encouragement on a broad list. I feel like my son is a poster child for that approach. He was admitted to SMS, SAS, George, and MDX, and WL at Deerfield, Andover, L’ville, and SGS. Thankful for the list and approach.


To be fair, I think that is the first thing this board does. Over and over. Time after time. I took that advice very seriously and I am very grateful. A lot of people can’t rise past the “names they know” and are pretty open about it.

I fell for that in middle school and had deep regret. So did SweetBoy.


In no way was I blaming any of us for not promoting the Hidden Gems (heck, my kid goes to one of them), I was rhetorically lamenting that the kids didn’t seem to get the message.



See post #4 ( after the OP ) on THE 2021 FREAKOUT THREAD.

Don’t worry - I’m still retired so I’ll just let myself out. :wink:

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I am tempted to offer you a one day per year employment contract. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:



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I went back to find the hidden gem thread and the link I found said it no longer existed. Do any of you have it?

Sorry, it was called “second tier”; it’s pinned

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You should take a look at @givemeacookie ‘s list for an example of a smart way to approach the process.

I wonder what happened to the hidden gems thread…

I found it, but you need to go to google and type in “hidden gems prep” and it will show up


Really, just so glad @PhotographerMom showed up to manage the WL thread…


Just in the nick of time. Thank you @PhotographerMom !

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Hi Parents. Frequent lurker here, infrequent poster. Our DD was lucky enough to have an acceptance on her second M10 (shall we call it M10 2.0?). You may be wondering why only one if we’ve done this twice, I’m a frequent lurker, and I have read your advice. Great Q. We have really solid LPS so she has aimed fairly high both years. We did apply to 7 this year instead of 4 but results were similar - lots of WLs. On an upside, we are so proud of her for the effort and she’s now been waitlisted at 6 of the “top” schools. In any case, she has an acceptance to Kent which she is very excited about. Two Qs. Has anyone succeeded when appealing FA decision? Next, happy for any feedback on Kent. I have searched and read but welcome more.

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You may want to start separate threads for these questions for more visibility and traction. This thread is for general life musings.

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