Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

In the realm of bad tv…has anyone read “How to Murder Your Life”. It’s a memoir and the beginning chapters are set at Lawrence Academy with mentions of Groton and NMH.

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I saw this!

BTW, my favorite nostalgic movie about L’Ville is “The Happy Years”, a 1950 movie with Dean Stockwell…It would be fun to make a new version of it!

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Loved this documentary showing the healthy side of friendly competition and that it’s not all about winning! Initially showed it so my younger kids could understand some of the genius side of autism, and the teen walked by and stopped to watch with us (doesn’t happen often). Lots of good messages and showing teens being graceful in being beaten.


I survived the Password change! Woot Woot!


me too!

@MacJackAttack , I was,really touched by the kindness of the Australian boy. He was so gracious and generous! Although he was celebrated in the film for his cubing prowess, what was even more powerful was what a good guy he was.

I recently heard that international students at boarding schools are FP, and most of the time, they are very wealthy unless they are US citizens living abroad. I thought FA was available to international students regardless of citizenship.

I barely made it. Turns out that I set up my account using the wrong email address🤯

My random peeve – all these CC threads being closed are being considered “new activity” according to the algorithm and are showing up in my suggested threads, clogging them with old content that holds zero interest for me.


This is happening to me! I keep getting the m10 2015 freakout thread and it says that everything is new.

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One way to fix this: Go to your CC home, then the Unread tab, you can hit the dismiss button at the bottom to remove all the old content. I’ve been doing it every time I see old threads getting closed.


I’m not getting this. But I’m also wondering if something is wrong with my DMs…

Thank you!!!

At a 10 school event earlier this year it was made very clear that almost none of the schools offer aid to international students. I think maybe Exeter and Andover said they did, but rarely. In my experience, certainly In higher education, many many foreign students are high income.


@mondaydevil – but I like it when it tells me when I have new content. will this get rid of that?

I keep getting college wait list threads for like Harvard and chance me’s even though I’ve never been on those threads haha

Nope! It’s just marking the threads that you haven’t opened since new activity as read. It still gives you notification for new posts.


So it’s heading toward 100 degrees in AZ on Saturday, but we’re in Maine closing on our new summer property where it’s 52 and raining. I’d say this calls for an umbrella drink, wouldn’t you?

And ChoatieLT is heading home at the end of the month, exact date, TBD. It will be 16 months since we last saw him. That will call for champagne and a large side of Kleenex. (I must practice hugging without spilling my drink. Oh, ChoatieDad…!)

Also, cheers to @buuzn03 and her son for finishing the college gauntlet with great results. Congrats, @buuzn03! :champagne: :fireworks:


Round of Umbrella drinks for all! :tropical_drink: :tropical_drink: :tropical_drink: :tropical_drink:

Congrats @choatiemom for the Maine house! We may come to visit when it is triple digits here (especially since we no longer have a pool… :sweat:) Maine is gorgeous in the summer.

Oh-- and can someone please have an extra drink for me? Tech week is about to KILL me over here…


Well, of course you need an umbrella drink - it’s raining.