Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Having grown up in Florida, my parents also have a very relaxed approach to hurricanes, as do we since we have seen how quickly paths change. But this storm seems to be making a beeline for long island, and my parents are on the coast line, not far from there. While I don’t worry too much about structural damage, I do worry about trees and power lines falling. Being without power for a week is miserable. I was able to convince my parents to move their outdoor furniture inside, do a last load of laundry and take showers (since it may be their last hot one for a few days). Still keeping my fingers crossed that the storm breaks up or has very little impact. It’s hard to get a feel for when the conditions will get bad for the northeast, but I’m guessing around 5am things may start getting interesting. Stay safe everyone and check in with us!


Flashback to 2011….HURRICANE IRENE

Deerfield football field was flooded

I am on the South Fork and I’d say there’s a pretty good amount of freaking out today-lines at gas stations, now they’re out of gas. Lots of people at grocery store and quite a few packing up and heading back to the city-traffic was bumper to bumper heading west around 3:30. I think it snuck up on people. First I heard of any concern was yesteday at about 4pm when we all got alerts on our phones.

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Yeah, oddly the traffic on the other side of the Peconic has sounded unusually light all day, but 58 eastbound was bumper to bumper this afternoon.

My parents got stranded here after Sandy for around a week - too many wires down.

What books were a “must read” or most commonly assigned reading when you were in high school, but not on your kid’s reading list?

  • Includes books your kids might never get assigned, but you read for high school English class? Add to the list.

  • Arrowsmith

  • Narcissus and Goldmund

  • Dante’s Inferno

  • Grapes of Wrath

  • The Crucible

  • The Invisible Man

  • The Outsiders

  • Beloved

  • Red Badge of Courage

  • A Raisin in the Sun

  • Main Street

  • Slaughterhouse-Five

  • A Separate Peace

  • Crime and Punishment

  • Beowulf

  • Night

  • Great Expectations

  • Brave New World

  • Fahrenheit 451

A Farewell to Arms/For Whom the Bell Tolls
Lord of the Flies
The Good American
Of Mice and Men
The Good Earth
Heart of Darkness
The Great Gatsby
To Kill a Mockingbird
Animal Farm/1984
The Diary of Anne Frank
*** Grapes of Wrath
*** Red Badge of Courage
*** A Raisin in the Sun
*** Great Expectations
*** Brave New World
*** Fahrenheit 451


I just wanted to come on here and thank every one of you. I just moved in my daughter to boarding school this weekend and I am not sure how we would have navigated everything without all the wonderful people on this board. I never posted but I think I have read every post since 2011 :rofl:
Move in went well. Masks for everyone and only two people per student but besides that it seemed like a normal experience. My daughter is going to a very small all girls school that I have only seen mentioned once, but I found almost all of the information applicable. Thank you everyone for calming this mother down. Now if only I can get over sending my youngest to TK today it will all be okay :smiley:


Mixed emotions as we were set to fly to school today to drop kiddo1 off in the morning, but our flight was cancelled. Part of me is excited to get one more night at home with her, but I also hate that she’s going to miss out on moving in with her roommate, and she’ll likely miss the first afternoon of preseason activities. And we will miss the parent events. I was really looking forward to finally meeting other parents.


Oh @cityran I’m so sorry!!!
gosh. what a disappointment!

All of our family activities were cancelled for drop off. I support the decision but I’m sad not to get a full parent/school experience where we meet other parents.

I am so very sorry.


It is strange going into year two without any real parent connections. We are fortunate to have met another school family this past winter, but I was really looking forward to getting to know the parents of kiddo1’s friends. I’m sorry to hear that you are in the same boat. Fingers crossed we all finally get the parent experience we have been craving over parents weekend.

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Yes it’s a weird thing to be going into year 2 of uncertainty.
As for getting to know other parents, I confess I may have weaseled my way into getting to know fellow MB parents here and now I’m super excited to meet them in person next week, probably over a cup of crappy Springhill-Suites-coffee. (I will need everyone to wear name tags with their screen names, however, to keep everyone straight.). :).


Dropped my senior - my youngest - today. Despite my best efforts, I cried (as did she). Not because I’m sad I’m leaving her, but because this is her senior year, and we’re both acutely aware, and sad, that it is coming to an end. Campus is closed for 2 weeks while they establish a bubble, so I will miss convocation and the first soccer games. But I am hoping with all my heart they are able to open it come mid-sept. Love my girl, and am so proud of her.


First day of preseason at Lawrenceville (along with an SAT :grimacing:) today. Besides the masks, it almost feels like 2019—including the intense pace of life (the one advantage of covidville!). On the other hand, it does sometimes feel as if I’ve just been a slightly older freshman for the past 17 months, and I’m glad to get back to the school I remember falling in love with 3 years ago.


Good luck, everyone! Wishing you all a safe journey to your respective schools and a happy start to the new school year.

Stay healthy!

Hope to see you in the 19th hole


Drop off went better than we ever could have expected. Kiddo1’s room is a huge upgrade from last year, and since her roommate hasn’t moved in yet, it was nice to be able to get her settled in without two families moving in at the same time. Having my husband and kiddo2 bring everything in, while kiddo1 and I stayed in the room unpacking also made things so much easier.

This year, our parent emotions are different. Last year we were so anxious about how the year would go and how kiddo1 would adapt. This year she jumped right back into school life and my husband and I were left feeling significantly sad. It’s exactly what we want for her…but we probably could have used a trip to the local bar.

Like @confusedaboutFA said, it feels very much like pre covid times at school and I am confident this is going to be a much better year for the entire school community.


so happy for you @cityran !!

and a little jealous that you got to go into the room to help move in :wink:

We are on our plane!
There is 0% chance our rental car will be big enough for the luggage of two girls.

We didn’t appreciate this back on March 10, when we let DD3 choose freely among all her choices but thank goodness they both ended up at the same school because two separate cross-country drop-offs would have really been unbearable. :rofl:


That just posted when I logged in here even though I wrote it 5 days ago.


How did it go? :smiley:

It must be reassuring as a parent (not to mention logistically) to have two kids at the same school, especially when they’re so far from you.


This a huge reason why we wouldn’t be sad if kiddo2 wanted to go to kiddo1’s school!! Flying in for one move in is exhausting, I can’t imagine doing it twice, at two different schools (though I’m pretty certain I’ll be able to tell you how exhausting two trips is next year :wink: ). I hope your girls are feeling settled in and ready for a great year!