Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

That’s a shame that Covid has been so rough for the people you know. Please keep in mind that doesn’t mean it is like that for everyone. You really cannot generalize from your experience to everyone.

See what I did there.

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I created a COVID thread that this discussion can continue under. I suspect that it will be a hot topic for many weeks to come.


And in fact statistically what you wrote is far, far more likely to be the case than not as the data continues to indicate.


Same at our school. Some classes started online because of delays in results for the teacher, just as some students were not able to arrive on day 1.

Any idea of how covid is affecting application numbers this year? I heard last year saw an increase due to covid, but now that we’re in a different kind of chronic, weird situation and some schools have failed to keep students sane/classes open when safe I wonder what the effect will be. I’m most curious how Andover’s numbers will look.

Anecdotally from reading the threads here, interviews are as hard to come by as ever. There also seems to be a pretty much inexorable increase in applicants over time as the education arms race escalates year by year. Said another way, my bet would be that applications are up Y-O-Y for all of the top, say, 50 BS. The really interesting data would be to compare the relative changes from school to school. That’s data that probably never sees the light of day.

Overall boarding school applications?

I heard from an AO that applications were up approx. 30% last years admissions cycle and that they expected similar for this year. What wasn’t clear to me is whether they meant flat to last year (meaning maintaining the 30% increase) or if they expected another increase even above the number of applications last year.

Yes, overall applications. Hopefully flat and not up 30% again, that would be crazy! But also I’m curious school by school after parents have seen how each one handled covid. I guess we’ll never really know!

You are right, no way to know. I cannot imagine and additional increase of 30%.

I would say that in my area people do not seem to be as frustrated as they were with the PS system as they were last year but I think its because they are tired and resigned. I don’t think there will be as many reactionary applications.


I do wonder whether and to what extent this gets truly understood by future applicants. (Of course, whether and to what extent they take it into account is a separate question!)

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Do you have some amazing future predicting abilities @Golfgr8 ? This is exactly what we are dealing with, cases but very few with boarding school students but among adults?? I have no idea what the protocol for them was, but it is pretty surprising regardless


To paraphrase Miss Scarlett O’Hara: COVID, COVID, COVID. This COVID talk’s spoiling all the fun at Prep School Parents’ virtual coc*tail hour. I get so bored I could scream.

Oh, forget the mixed drinks. I’m opening the Glenlivet.


Also would you really nix Groton in favor of Deerfield just because Deerfield had a more lax mask rule and Groton’s mask rules were absurd? I feel like while annoying it’s pretty far down on my list of why I’d pick a school.

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Santa was very good to DH this Christmas:

Funny how his group of friends gets larger and larger…

(Now this thread is back on track!)


@ChoatieMom You have a bit of a drinking problem because you are blocking the Blantons😀


I see someone has his priorities straight. :tumbler_glass:

I won’t even ask what you did to deserve that stash.


Good presents? Bad presents? Anyone want to share the best and worst of the holidays? Either presents, events, people…

I’ll start.

Best: ChoatieLT sent me a necklace and pair of earrings from my favorite line.

Worst: He wasn’t here to share it with us.


Favorite present- Lego Adidas Original shoe. Have not built legos since I was a kid and I happen to work in footwear

Worst- 2 sets of grandparents canceled visits


If anyone is up for really bad reality tv…a former (or current?) Groton nurse is on the current season of Married At First Sight.

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