Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

I was mostly referring to not supporting test optional for college applications….

SG getting a new HOS after 22-23 year. Our family lived through the last HOS transition at PA and it was not a positive change. Anyone experience a good transition at BS? I’m hoping for positive vibes and reassurance, but feel free to give me frank honesty (even if negative) too

The HOS transition at George was seamless. Maybe a Quaker community-driven culture (vs a top down one) is different from a more traditional one, but I would not assume it’s going to be bad for you. I would be wary of any place that relies on one person to keep it together – and I suspect few BS are such places. Most have long-tenured teachers, coaches, and staff who live and work there and provide continuity. Hopefully, you’ll like the new HOS.


Hey all, long time no post from me. And not much lurking either. I’ll probably get more active again in a year or 2.

I’m just dropping by this thread to post an update about my wrestling son, because a few of you have asked for occasional updates. He has had a very good last couple of months. The US Open, Senior (Olympic level) and age group world team trials all happened recently and went very well. He didn’t make the senior team, but he has shown that he is competitive with the top level guys, and has beat several ranked in the top 10 in the US since rankings last came out. It’s really the first time he has made noise at the senior level. He probably won’t quite be there yet, but is trying to arrange his schedule to make a run for Paris in 2024. He definitely isn’t a favorite but at least has made himself part of the conversation.

If anyone wants more specific info I will share over PM to avoid outing him (and me😀).


Westover will have an interim HOS for the '22-'23 school year and will have a permanent HOS starting '23-'24. This means I’ll be having a different HOS every year of my time at Westover and I’m really not sure what to expect, especially with so much of the faculty/staff departing these last few years.

The uncertainty is tough! That is similar to what happened to our family. Original HOS 9th, interim 10th, and new HOS 11th and 12th. It was quite challenging, particularly since COVID occurred during the transition and also because the new HOS is not a strong leader by observation. I will keep my fingers crossed that the transitions are smooth for you @mondaydevil !

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@mondaydevil - From what I’ve heard from a faculty member, the interim HOS is pretty fantastic. Has a good head on his shoulders and knows how to unite. I’m guessing that next year will go reasonably well. A lot will depend on who they hire for the permanent HOS, but by then you’ll be a senior, so it won’t be as important for you. I have faith that it will all work out (but am also making sure that my voice is heard with regards to faculty departures, etc.).

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Cate School will be transitioning HOS from fall 2023 as well. Fingers crossed it goes smoothly. Didn’t have a great experience at our previous school when HOS changed.

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Thought experiment: when you look at the 2021 Prep School Decision Charts on CC relative to the 2022 Prep School Decision Charts (pinned at the top of the “Prep School Admissions” page), there are more than twice as many “applications” in the 2021 version. Why? Any rhyme or reason to this in a year when actual applications mostly increased? Or just not worth looking at? Struck me as odd . . .

Could be partially because acceptance rates were lower. Parents and/or their kids who didn’t get in most places or even anywhere they applied are unlikely to put in their “decisions.”


That’s good to hear, thank you! I hope you’re doing well–I think I saw you at Dorcas but was too scared to say hi :sweat_smile:

@mondaydevil - oh, you should have stopped by to say hello!! Next time, please do! :slight_smile:

I think there was an NYT article on this—a lot of boarding schools remained operative in 2021 whereas public/private day schools did not so parents felt more incentivized to send their kids to board?

I was wondering the same - just people not finding CC this past year? I hope there is more activity for this upcoming cycle on the forum as it gets closer to the fall.

On the topic of applications, my kiddo has started studying for the SSAT and working on a multimedia attachment she can put in her application. School starts again in about three weeks - summer has flown by!


Probably because people were spending less time online since they (mostly) weren’t in online school anymore :joy:


I think there was a delay in opening the 2022 poll and it wasn’t prominently displayed, so CC may have missed a lot of responses from those who left the site soon after M10.

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Maggie Rogers on the first page of the NYT Arts section. @SevenDad 's favorite SAS grad!


Have not read it, but of course saw that she was featured.

Also, minor but important correction: She is my second-favorite SAS graduate. :wink:

Hoping all are well!


Thanks for the clarification. :grin:

But of course! What was I thinking?!