Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

ChoatieCPT was married last night. It was a lovely wedding, fabulous evening, lots of happy tears (on my part), and we now have a wonderful daughter-in-law. They sold their house Friday, one day on the market, over asking, and are ready to move to Ft. Meade, MD in August. This is where DH and I take that final step off the carousel as they build their new life together. I can’t remember the last time I was so happy and so at peace with the world.

Cheers, son!


So many congratulations!!!

I have loved hearing about Choatieson over the years, and this latest chapter makes me so happy for your family.


Thanks @cinnamon1212. I think this is the catalyst that completes my transition to the Parent Cafe.

So long, Prep Forum friends. See you on the other side. I wish you all the best of everything in your amazing BS journeys, and I hope many of you stick around long enough to share the arc of your students’ stories for the edification of all who read here.

:hugs: :two_hearts:


Congratulations @ChoatieMom!!! What an exciting update!!!

Just completed the 17 (not exaggerating - I counted) health forms required for daughter’s school for this fall. She really didn’t like the TB test (not a fan of needles), but as we are from out of the country, they require it. I feel like I need a pat on the back or something for finishing all of those and scanning/uploading them. Only two more weeks until we fly to the US!


Okay. I’m not a crier (didn’t cry at college drop off for either of my older kids, almost but not quite shed one year at my oldest’s college graduation), but I found myself getting a little choked up (no tears, but emotional) seeing my daughter’s school schedule for next year. For some reason it made it real I guess.

It was fun going through the online student directory we now have access to and seeing all the kids, though! My daughter can also see the roster of kids for all of her classes, so she enjoyed looking at everyone and where they are from.

I think her smallest class is French 2 with 7 kids and her largest is math with 13 or 14.


Just dropped my middle guy off at college. Now to wait a week and a half and take my youngest to boarding school!


Finally settled into college!!! I’ve been joking with my friends that I’m no longer a day student.


Excited for you, @confusedaboutFA ! Enjoy!


Mentioned to a classmate the other day that I went to Lawrenceville. He responded, “Oh, I heard of that school; it was in a YouTube video I watched!”

The video? https://youtu.be/N_lzhpAAgKE?si=8d8cmBisOXoBHO8l

Now, I have no doubt Le Rosey is like that, but juxtaposing it with my own school seems a bit much :sob:


I beleive that this is one strength of the American private school and even college system. If you think about it this way: ignore the fact that not everyone has the same opportunities. Top US schools like Exeter and Andover are far more willing to accept diverse students from different economic backgrounds on financial aid than schools in any other country, from Le Rosey to Eton. And at the same time, they are far better academically and in terms of opportunities. This is part of the reason that former middle class American entrepreneurs and innovators are so far ahead of the rest of the world.


LOL. People do seem to have that reaction if they themselves have no experience with prep schools.

I recall back in the 80’s, an article in The Boston Globe (I think, but could be recalling wrong) opened with a description of a girl walking to my school’s campus in a prep school kilt.

At the time, CSW was more punk rock with a side of goth than preppy in attire.