Misconduct Question


So in all my years of schooling I had always kept a perfect record (or was at least able to get myself out of trouble).
The problem is this last year I made a mistake. As I am a good chemistry student, I was chosen by the school for a program we have that allows students to teach other students for a period of a week. I was chosen to teach 12th grade while I was myself in year 11. When I went into the class, none of the students took me seriously and so I started to get pissed off. Later on when I went out of the class, a friend of mine asked me how the class went and since I was angry at the time, I just said “F*ck them!” Another student was present at that time and heard me and went ahead and told my supervisor. He (hating me from the beginning) made a big deal out of it and even though I was not suspended or anything I got 10 marks deducted from my overall conduct mark (Which is given to all students out of a 100).

Now I am here filling in the Comm App and I see there is a part for misconduct.
Should I check yes for that? and so how badly will it affect my admissions?

Thank you for your help,
I am a bit worried.

  • Sorry if posted in the wrong place.

Assuming that your GC does not include on the Secondary School Report (which I highly doubt that s/he will), you can check “no.” The common app defines misconduct as actions where the discipline “could include, but are not limited to: probation, suspension, removal, dismissal, or expulsion from the institution.”

Really, colleges are looking for major infractions like academic dishonesty, bullying, and drug dealing. They really do not care if you got a detention for leaving school property during school hours, sneaking a beer into a dance, or dropping the f-bomb.

Just check with your GC first to make sure that you are both on the same page.

@skieurope Thanks for your answer. Who is a GC?
Also in my transcript it still shows a 90/100. Do you think that would still be all right?

Thanks for your help.
I really appreciate it.

Since it wasn’t official or anything and he already took off points for it, I wouldn’t check the box. I think that box is for if you have been officially suspended or expelled from anywhere. But good job for checking and trying to be honest.

GC-Guidance Counselor

@imbep49 Thanks :slight_smile:

Colleges want to know if you’re potentially dangerous, criminal or have grave honesty/plagiarism issues. Your situation is nothing. You’re fine.

This is 0.001 on a 1 to 10 scale of seriousness.

Yes; colleges are not going to look at your conduct marks even if they are included on the transcript.