Mislabeled Non-Tax Filer Form [IDOC]

My parents aren’t filling out tax returns this year, so I uploaded a non-tax filer form for them on the IDOC. However, in processing, my parents’ non-tax filer form was labeled as my own (the student’s) non-tax filer form, even though I also uploaded my own 1040 and W-2.

I did call IDOC’s customer service yesterday, and they said that I shouldn’t worry about it since I filed it correctly. They told me to wait 3-5 business days.

My financial aid checklist for MIT and Tufts, however, shows that they are still awaiting for my parents’ tax returns (and I’m sure some other colleges that don’t have financial aid checklists), even though they have received my other IDOC documents. MIT won’t be able to start reviewing my application until they receive my parents’ non-tax filer form, too :frowning:

With the March 1st deadline coming up, should I still wait and see if the colleges process my documents? I was thinking of calling all of my colleges, but maybe I should try redoing my parents’ non-tax filer forms? (even though IDOC tells us not to upload identical documents :frowning: )

Sorry that this is so long, and any input would be greatly appreciated!

Why aren’t your parents filing a return?

They’re both unemployed; their only income this year was bank interest.

I would call IDOC back and get a second opinion. Be a bit insistent, and tell them that Tufts and MIT don’t seem to agree with IDOC regarding your parents form.

I’ll do that later today then, thank you :slight_smile:

The schools might also ask you to verify how your family expenses were paid this year, what did you live on?