Missed deadline for UC application

Hello, I missed the UC application deadline by an hour. When I clicked next on the Personal Insight page, I was logged out and only one of my 4 responses appeared as saved after logging back in. I made the mistake of not writing them in a separate program, and I did not have enough time to rewrite them on time. However, after I clicked next again it stated that I had gone over the word limit, and now my new and old responses appeared as saved. I emailed ucinfo@applyucsupport.net about my situation. I am a transfer student, is there any chance that I can still submit my application?

Not to add insult to your issues, but why wait until the last minute to apply? The UC application has been open since August, so you have had plenty of time to fill out all parts of the application. Nov 1 was when the submission date opened so you still had 30 days in which get all your application completed. If you already started the application Nov 30th, they allowed submission until Dec 1. It is worth a shot, since you do not have anything to loose.

I am sorry (my personal pet peeve), but I find it difficult to comprehend that year after year, applicants always wait until the last minute and then panic when there are server issues due to large volume of applications being submitted at once.

Thanks for your help.

The UC system always crashes with last minute submissions.
I have to agree with @Gumbymom.
As a transfer student, your GC at your CC should have warned you about submissions needing to be completed by the 15th to avoid the yearly glitch.

You can contact the UC offices but they usually are firm because they constantly state the last day of submission.

I feel badly for you–it’s a tough lesson to have to learn this way. But looking forward, first thing Monday morning I would get on the phone and call UC admissions, and then call the individual admissions offices at the campuses you want to apply to. I wouldn’t wait for an email response. It’s possible that they will accept your late application–there is a statement on this page about “late applications,” and it lists all of the individual admissions sites as well:


If that fails, you’ll have to think about plan C. Maybe some of the CSUs will accept late applications? Maybe you can apply for winter quarter 2019 at some UC or CSU campuses? Can you take additional classes at your community college in fall 2018 so that your overall progress towards your BA/BS is not slowed? Time to get creative.