Realized in hindsight that my child selected a language as being proficient in, which they are not. What now?
Probably not an issue, unless the language that they are not proficient in, is English. Then it’s a big issue.
Ok, not English! It is a language they are studying but technically not "proficient " in. Thank you-
Not a showstopper. Just not. Over time, we’ve had threads where kids couldn’t even figure what proficient really means for a college app.
It would be different if this were, say, something that required proficiency. Eg, some internship.
It definitely won’t come back to bite you. Your kid didn’t get in because he was proficient in a certain language.
We get dozens of these questions every year. I think AOs are used to loose interpretations of “proficient.”
Congratulations! Your child is accepted and enrolled. Don’t give this issue another thought. You can relax now.
Thank you all so much, I am feeling much better, now…