you can be naturally good at standardized tests... you can get all A's based on ability... you can keep busy doing ECs you love.... The job of the admissions committee is to filter the first kind of person
and that is the problem , Mollie. MIT and other selectives are saying things out of both sides of their mouth AT THE SAME TIME. We all will probably agree with what you say the job of admissions is (or at least that is how they view it) - that's why the kids (and their parents) seek to present in just that fashion. </p>
<p>The nonchalant, non-striving genius who by God -given ability just happens to make the highest grades and highest scores while helping those most needy out of altruism.</p>
<p>That's what parents on this board want other parents to believe their kid is. We have broken the code. </p>
<p>At the same time the adcoms are saying we don't mind if you have multiple takes on the SAT, we'll use the best sections from each. What?? Natural ability?</p>
<p>We want the most demanding courseload your school offers. But we really want to see you really reaching for courses beyond the norm. Accelerate, take EPGY, take college courses. We'll reward you. What??? More than your school offers because you love it so much and just have to have it because you are special?</p>
<p>We want to see that you have a passion for your EC's. But only as long as that passion results in something unique you have to tell us about yourself or national recognition. Time tutoring at the middle school? Ho-hum. Next!</p>
<p>The code has been broken and kid's are being re-packaged as we speak. Some are being dressed by clumsy people with store-bought EC's and see-through motivations. But some are dressed by folks who know the buzzwords, are intimate with the system, and their kids are willing participants. They are carefully crafted to appear at all times slightly "un-groomed" and natural. The tosseled and nonchalant altruistic genius is the student du jour. </p>
<p>Hardworking, diligent, motivated to excel and succeed , competitive, driven, goal-oriented, pre-professional Bob and Barbie need not apply no matter how intelligent and no matter what their character. Except if they know the code and are willing to play the game.;) And that's where we are in selective admissions IMO. </p>
<p>You can't create this Louis Vuitton product and expect people to just draw a line and say "Well, my kid doesn't fit the student du jour. I guess she can't go to HYPSDMC-AWS." That's why there is gaming. The system creates it. Many of us don't believe there are 3 kids extant that genuinely meet the "tosseled and nonchalant wholly altruistic natural genius" category. Of course, we know that all the CC kids do. They can be considered the exception that proves the rule. ;)</p>