MIT Admissions Fall 2022

Any guesses when MIT might announce EA decisions?
We are speculating that it might be the 18th.

Last year it was Dec 19th (Sat) at 3.14 EST (12.14PST), chances are it might be on the 18th. They will anyway reach out the applicants a week earlier so we will know it in a couple of days about the exact date and time.

I’m bit nervous of back to back super-reaches decisions. I’m sure my daughter will be in a state of mind as well but she never shows it up. There is a lot of buzz at school everyday, kids talking about their EAs EDs. Most of them are anxious in a way.

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My son has an all day wrestling tournament on the 12/18.

I don’t know if the wrestling will be a good distraction (so he doesn’t constantly stare at the clock willing it to be 12:18 or 3:14 or 6:28, whatever)
the stress of it being Decision day will mess up his wrestling focus.

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Yes, these next 2 weeks are going to be stressful for the kids.

My D vacillates between wanting to know the MIT decision asap and wanting them to be delayed as much as possible (because she says she’s going to be too nervous to see the result).


We just had an one-on-one conversation with our daughter just to prepare her to face the decisions. I’m sure things are different in a 17 year old brain. All the very best to all the kids who have applied. Lets hope for a good decision.


we went on vacation and back . Now, d22 is abit relaxed and kind of prepared for the outcome.

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I would think that the EA decisions could be a little delayed considering MIT has been interviewing or reaching out to schedule one till this weekend. Anyone knows if it is the norm?

MIT Early Action admissions decisions will be released on Saturday, December 18, at 3:14 PM Eastern Time.

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Did you receive this announcement in an email? Or just posted yesterday

email to my son and on MIT blog.

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D22 received an email at 2:03p yesterday (13th).

MIT Early Action admissions decisions will be released on Saturday, December 18, at 3:14 PM Eastern Time.

You’ll be able to access your decision at—the same site where you submitted your application.

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My daughter also received an email yesterday. Even though her application is strong + valedictorian, we’ve low expectations for Saturday. :slight_smile:


did anyone else who has coach’s support (“flagging”) get an interview with a former athlete? i had mine with an athlete and i am just curious whether it is coincidence or if they purposely coordinate it like that

My daughter was a supported athlete and was interviewed last yr by a non-athlete.

Same here. I was interviewed by a non athlete.

D22 is supported athlete and the interviewer was a local alumni and not former athlete

My daughter was interviewed by a local alumni and was not a former athlete. My daughter and coach exchanged emails but never had a phone conversation as such. According to the emails from the coach, even though they support your admissions file (although this does not guarantee admission to MIT) as a recruited athlete.

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If you are asking about Regular Admissions candidates, the answer is yes. I am an interviewer and got my first assigned RA candidate 5 days ago. With regards to EA candidates, those interviews are now all over.

Did all of EA applicants get interview? There is no one left in overflow pool?