MIT Admissions Fall 2022

I suggest you call first thing tomorrow morning, they will advise re: email.

Am I calling them to inform them over what happened or ask them if my application will still be reviewed?

Both. Explain the situation.

Advantage of calling is that you’ll get a quicker response.
Email will take more time, but I personally prefer that because there’s a record of your conversation.

Either way is fine, whatever you prefer.

The FUN form (and mid-year grades) is due by tomorrow Feb 9, 9:00 PM (PST). Is that correct? Thanks

Their website says “by February 9” but does not specify a time. To be safe I would assume it to be 11:59pm EST (8:59pm PST). Best to submit much earlier than that though, in case there are issues with the website due to too many people trying to access it close to the deadline.


Just curious, does anyone has their school sending mid year report/transcript to MIT? Is it shown in the application check list? We don’t see ours in the list, wondering what is going on.

Isn’t MIT self reporting? The update form they sent early January was meant for that I remember.


That’s correct.

D22 was sent through the parchment. I don’t see it on the MIT portal but we received confirmation from MIT that they received it.

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Weird. I had an interviewer reach out to me on 2/9 and we interviewed on 2/15. I was deferred EA.

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Not so weird!!

Guessing, but you probably were on the overflow list. That list is the applicants that were not assigned to an EC. Other ECs can pick up these applicants and conduct the interview. MIT gave these overflow interviews extra time until 2/21 to get the interview reports submitted. There is no way that you would know if your interview fell into the overflow category or not.

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Does anyone see an error page when you try to access your financial aid portal in your application portal?

I haven’t had an interview. Guess I’m not getting in then.

Why would you assume that?

MIT says very clearly that they’re not able to offer everyone an interview (it depends on interviewer availability) and that you’re not at a disadvantage if an interview was not offered to you.

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Then why some students in my area got interviews while I didn’t? The fact that there are some people who got interview means there is an alumni available in my area, but why did they get it while I didn’t? Is it like a lottery when an alumni chooses who to interview?

Each interviewer has limited capacity. They might do 5-6 interviews in an application cycle - maybe a few more but typically under 10. So if there are more applicants than that in the interviewer’s area then not everyone will get an interview.

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