MIT Admissions Fall 2022

Got one in mid Jan. had 3 hr interview. But A reddit post says that somebody got in without interview but 10 of her friends had interviews and none of them got in.

Same I had my interview mid Jan as well in Jordan

Hi, is there a way to request for the interview? Thank you

There is no way that I know of that the applicant can request an interview. MIT tries to interview as many applicants as possible. However, it is based on the availability of ECs to do the interviews.

Since the applicant has no control as to whether they will be offered an interview of not; if one is not offered an interview, it is not held against them.


Thank you, may I also ask if it is possible for ECs to still schedule interview between Feb 3 - Feb 5?

I would only ask that question if they reach out to you FIRST.

Interview reports by the EC are due to MIT by Feb 7. Overflow interviews are given another 7 days grace period. So, it is possible to have an interview right up until the deadline. Depends on the EC’s ability to turn it around and write the actual report, which are typically not that lengthy.

Is that the same case for internationals?

Perhaps they all had bad interviews?

I had a very nice interview about 2 weeks ago (I am US citizen living in Jordan) so I got a Jordanian interviewer. It was actually one of the best interviews I’ve had yet!


I don’t exactly know if the deadlines are the same for internationals. I think they would be as the info would be used as part of the selection process.

Hello, I have a quick question for this thread if anyone could give me any insight it’d be great. There was an issue with one of my recommenders(they told me they sent the letter of rec early January but an issue occurred and MIT never received it, so they resent it a few days ago and MIT now has it.) Is my application doomed? I did receive an interview about a week ago if that makes any difference and my FUN form was submitted a few days ago as well where I noted what happened in the updates section. Again any insight would be greatly appreciated!

As long as you got confirmation on LOR you should be good. If it is an external recommendation ( not from your school teachers) then it will not show up on your portal.

It was from a school teacher and I did get a confirmation. I was worried because the LOR was technically a month late and I didn’t know if the admissions committee would just toss my application away since it was “incomplete” for so long.

You may want to reach out to the admissions office to confirm they will use the LOR.

How should I go about doing that? On the FUN form they said they strongly encouraged people to send all updates through there so I wouldn’t want to annoy them or appear as if I can’t comprehend simple instructions.

Email them directly -

I suggest you call them as well.

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What should I say? Thanks so much for your help.

Call over email?

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