<p>Okay, so I'm a Year 12 student in Australia, just got back my SAT subject test results:</p>
<p>Maths II : 760
Chem: 780
Phys: 740</p>
<p>I'm pretty pleased with them, especially since I only had a week to study for these exams (Had half-yearly exams). This is the first time I've done the SATs, and I haven't done the SAT I yet. Just wondering, if I was looking at getting into MIT, should I redo the maths II test? I'm pretty confident with a bit of study I can get an 800, personally I thought it was pretty easy. Also, does my phys mark not matter anymore because of my chem, or should I give phys another go?</p>
<p>I would give physics another go (if ur confident you can raise it)
and if you now u can an 800 in math… why not?</p>
<p>But does my physics mark matter? Because MIT only take into consideration your best science, and they don’t care which one.</p>
<p>MIT doesn’t care much about your SAT II’s if they are well over 700+
I know a person from my country who got in with 770 in Maths IIC and 720 in Chem</p>
<p>send a note to molliebatmit on CC. She can tell you whether you should retake anything. From what I understood, it just needs to be a minimum level and does nt need to be perfect.</p>
<p>Thanks guys
Now I’ve just got to worry about taking the ACTs/SAT Is, not sure if I’ll have time to give them a second shot, so I’ll have to study hard and get it right the first time :S</p>
<p>I totally agree with thenerdofawesome :D</p>