MITES 2009 Information and Discussion

<p>ooof this is a long wait.</p>

<p>If we’re all this antsy over receiving a confirmation of our applications, I can’t begin to imagine how nervous we’ll be a week or two before decisions are out.</p>

<p>oh so true hpa10. And if this is how antsy we are when we still have about 2 months till they make their decisions then imagine how crazy we’ll be when the time gets closer.</p>

<p>I just got my confirmation - everything is there in one piece. (phew)</p>

<p>Now all that’s left to do is to wait. I’ll try to forget about MITES for a month or so, no sense going crazy about it now.</p>

<p>lol, @ hpa10 and petri21:
Imagine how crazy/antsy we’ll be after we submit our college apps!</p>

<p>^ Ha ha soo true! So what other programs is everyone else applying to?</p>

<p>I know right? I bet this forum is going to get even more heated towards the end of Feb. into March. hmmm…I am thinking about applying to Penn SAAST summer program. Anyone been there, if so how was it?</p>

<p>I was going to apply to Caltech’s YESS program, but I don’t think I am. Anyone else applying to YESS?
If I don’t get into MITES, then I’m just going to take some local summer classes :frowning: boring</p>

<p>I got something in the mail from YESS and SSP, but I don’t think I’ll actually apply to either. They cost money and that is running a bit low around my household. If I don’t get accepted into MITES I plan to either get a job, intern or take my speech class in the summer so I won’t have to take it next school year.</p>

<p>^I’m not sure yet, but I probably will.</p>

<p>YESS is all expense paid though, isn’t it?</p>

<p>yeah, I think your right on the YESS one, but SSP costs money, and YESS just doesn’t seem too exciting to me. I might apply to that one though</p>

<p>this would be so much cooler, though</p>

<p>Definitely. I hope we get in, it’s a bit of a long shot, but maybe a good bit of us will get in :)</p>

<p>Isn’t YESS shorter than MITES? And you only take like 2 classes? I agree that MITES sounds so much cooler!!!</p>

<p>I know it’s not March yet, but have any others a received confirmation of a received application from MIT?</p>

<p>^Nope, not yet.</p>

<p>same here. Nice to know I’m not the only one, I was starting to think that my package got lost.</p>

<p>Yeah I’m fretting over it because my friend at my school got his =[.</p>

Do you know if your friend submitted his app online or by regular mail?
Perhaps they are sending confirmation emails to the people who applied online first…(because it can take a while for mail to come in depending on location)</p>