MITES Summer/Semester 2023 Application

Nothing. Someone said earlier that it came out 7pm last time.


I guess it’s going to be Monday. :confused:

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Uhhh I can’t wait anymore haha

Me either, this is killing me! :sweat_smile:

Got declined. :skull:

emails sent. didn’t get it.


Rejection letter. :smiling_face_with_tear:

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Duddeee, and they’re so polite with it… I feel bad troubling them, lmao :sob: :sob:

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Rejection here too.

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Rejection for me as well. Congrats to those that made it, they made it sound like pretty tough competition

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Got accepted to MITES Semester! Unfortunately I think I’ll turn it down for SIMR

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Congrats! What do you think got you in?

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Got in to MITES Semester as well! It all works out because I have a national competition that I’ll be able to attend since I got into semester instead of summer

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I think its 100% essays most of the time, especially since this program is trying to introduce underrepresented and underserved students to STEM!

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Yeah, that does makes sense! Super excited for you and hope you have an awesome summer!!! :smiley:

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I definitely agree. I wasn’t very statistically impressive but I think my essays and recommendations are really what carried me. Either way, congrats to all those that got in, and I hope everyone has a good summer! And good luck to us all with college applications in the near future, lol

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You too and have fun at Stanford!
I shoulda applied to simr bc I wanna go into medicine lolll