
<p>I've noticed that at my school, not many people are into major league baseball. Is this just a trend at my college or is this global?</p>

<p>I'm very into MLB and there's not a day that goes by between March and October when I'm not watching, listening to, reading about, or attending a game.</p>

<p>What college are you at? I'm at NYU and most people don't care about the MLB either - personally I'm addicted.</p>

<p>stanford people don't care that much. they def care about NBA more than MLB. with good reason. seriously, baseball is so overrated and boring. but that's just me...and stanford students...and apparently NYU students...and apparently the OP's school students...</p>


<p>Except for those diehard baseball fans, pretty much everyone likes football and basketball more. Even soccer... lol.</p>

<p>My older brother played all through little league and high school (and before he was old enough for little league, my dad and him played in our backyard...but I wasn't even born at that point), so I've been around it since before I can remember...but I'm still not a big fan of watching baseball on TV. I love going to games, though.</p>

<p>The only sport I can watch on TV is basketball, really.</p>

<p>yeah. i watch basketball and tennis...but i watch tennis b/c i play non stop and it's one of those sports you probably don't watch unless you play a lot or know a lot about it. i could be wrong, but if i had never played tennis, i def wouldn't get into watching it. but even then, i would rather watch tennis than baseball.</p>

<p>seriously, why do people watch a sport where the play is SOOOO SLOOWWW that players could smoke a cigar and clip their finger nails without messing up? or chew tobacco? and most of the players are on steriods or fat. ok...not fat fat, but their are some player that look like they should be on the PGA tour. not gonna find anyone like that in tennis or basketball.</p>

<p>I miss the days of MLB before steroids...::sigh::...I liked it so much better when it was pure talent.</p>

<p>gotta say...don't miss those days...didn't care even then...</p>

<p>it was even more boring back then. less home runs, less controversy about steriods, less hilarious fights probably caused by hormone imbalance and ridiculous testosterone levels and smaller testicles. yeah, baseball is more exciting now, for the wrong reasons. but it's still boring to actually watch. i just like the funny stories on espn.</p>

<p>it's like cycling. nobody cares about it. and people would care even less if there weren't steroid and drug test controversies. landis's name would have been known by A LOT less people and would've been forgotten a lot faster if he hadn't failed his tests.</p>

<p>Heh, I was at the game where a batter got in a fight with Nolan Ryan years ago. It was great. Headlocks and all.</p>

<p>My love for baseball is probably because it brings back so many great childhood memories. I loved playing out back with my dad and brother...and with other kids at the little league games...and also at my brother's team practices. Heh, and the blue coconut snow-cones from the concession stand. </p>

<p>It even makes me smile while typing this up. Good stuff :)</p>

<p>aww...that's nice. didn't really have those experiences with baseball though.</p>

<p>sidenote...i can't help but laugh when people type "heh" and then a statement. i just imagine someone in real life saying "heh" and then saying something, and me trying not to crack up. </p>

<p>sidenote2: i hate when people say "hehe" instead of "haha" or "lol". although i hate "lol". but really..."hehe"? are you a retarded evil troll or something.</p>

<p>ok it's obviously time for me to go to bed.</p>

<p>I use "hehe" for a giggle or evil laugh. </p>

<p>"Heh" is for those random thoughts I find somewhat amusing.</p>

<p>I love basketball, and this year I really got into the MLB. On days where there is nothing going on or whenever, sitting down and watching the Mets has been great. I'm still a basketball fan first(Knicks) though.</p>

<p>It does seem hard to find serious mlb fans. Of course, my family plans vacations around various stadia, so maybe my standards are too high. Also, baseball isn't easy to understand, and for the most part there isn't a great deal of media frenzy surrounding it. I think it's the kind of sport fandom that one almost has to be born into. Umm, go Reds!</p>

<p>Baseball's awesome. Sorry if this is bragging but I played varsity last year and I was only a freshman and scouts came to look at me. This year I'll be on varsity again. I can't wait to see what happes in a few years. Hopefully, I'll be playing for the Yankees.:) I can't not tell people about this. I'm all pumped up about it.</p>

<p>Congrats, MB2 :)</p>

<p>I agree, Ambidextrous. Baseball is something people seem to love or hate. Most people can casually watch football even if they don't really like it. Baseball, on the other hand, is usually only watched by those who love the game. I'll watch even if I don't like either team playing, simply because its baseball and I'm hooked on it. This past summer my dad took me to 37 MLB games in 22 stadia (which i didnt know was plural for 'stadium') and we saw every team play atleast once. Also included stops at the College World Series, All-Star Game, and Little League World Series. Next year or the year after, we plan to conquer the "30 Stadiums in 30 Days" route.</p>

<p>Greatest moment at a game that involved a fight or something similar? I wasn't there to see this one, but it was Bucs versus Brewers in 2001. Lloyd McClendon, then the manager (now the Tigers bullpen coach) didn't like an out call at first, I think Jason Kendall was the batter. He gets out and starts arguing with the ump. McClendon is one of these guys who spits in their face (and I mean literally, he was like four inches away from the ump). Anyway, it's not going McClendon's way so he throws his hat down and keeps yelling. Then, when he is so frustrated about things, he uproots the first base bag from the ground, storms off to the dugout with first base under his arm, and throws it down, then leaves since he obviously had been thrown out at this point.</p>

<p>They replay this one now and then, it's pretty funny. The Pirates wound up winning the game, I believe in extra innings. It was the first time I'd ever seen someone steal first base (or for that matter literally steal one by knocking it out of the ground) and it was also McClendon's first stolen base in about nine years when it happened.</p>

<p>McClendon almost took second base a few years later but he got off the field before he could kick it out of the ground. Around Pittsburgh it became sort of local legend. The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette newspaper used to advertise on the radio for sports and a few years ago they said about being a hardcore Pirates fan, and one of the items on the list was "whenever you get angry, do you start tearing bases out of the ground?"</p>

<p>Aside from ump fights, McClendon is actually one of the most easygoing people you'd meet.</p>

<p>My favorite fight moment is still when the batter charged Nolan Ryan and Ryan put him in a headlock...and it's even cooler that I can say I was there to see it :)</p>

<p>My brother managed to hit a line drive right into our Dad's jaw one time while Dad was pitching to him. That's the scariest baseball moment. I think I was 10 or 11 at the time.</p>

<p>Shoot, and one time my brother threw in a ball to me from the outfield when I wasn't paying attention (I was only about 7 or 8, too)...yeah, I had a big ole black eye for quite a while. That's my own most painful one.</p>

<p>My entire childhood revolved around baseball, it seems.</p>

<p>Pirates pitcher Paul Maholm got his orbital socket broken when he was still in the minors after being hit with a line drive.</p>

<p>I can relate to these real life moments too. I drilled a pitcher in the nuts with a line drive once (he had no cup). Needless to say the dude was paralyzed for about three minutes and we had to pause the game. (He was also charged with an error and I reached base safely, later to steal second base).</p>

<p>Then there was the time back in little league when we botched a double play. I was playing short and threw it to the second baseman. He obviously didn't see me and my throw was a little off and it hit him in the nose (the guy was shorter than me). I had to run over and pick the ball up myself and I barely got the guy out at second, but that dude on first came back to haunt us since he scored on a HR next at bat.</p>

<p>But the best one? I hit a sharp line drive to the shortstop. He was wearing glasses. The ball hit and broke the glasses. The third baseman covered but I beat the throw out. The shortstop played the rest of the game without glasses and made like three errors. We got a few cheap runs that way. I felt so bad about the glasses though but he got them fixed and told me not to bother, after all, he said it was his fault for not being more alert in the field.</p>

<p>I never got to be part of a fight on the diamond but I did get in a brutal one playing basketball once. I stole the ball off a guy and sort of ran into him doing this. Well, this ticked him off so he ran into me, sending me to the ground. Then he and a teammate start tackling me for no apparent reason. This was back in middle school. Those guys had to sit the rest of the game out or something.</p>

<p>Best fight: a couple years ago, the Reds got into a brawl with the Phillies (they always seem to fight the Phillies) and there was a picture in the newspaper of the fray. The Reds' smallest player in stature, infielder Ray Olmedo, was jumping at least three feet in the air, preparing to enter the imbroglio.</p>

<p>Injury: Well, I played softball in high school, and I got hit in the eye by a line drive while making a diving catch in the outfield during a practice drill. I was on the ground, going for the one ball, and another ball was hit directly at me. (I wasn't looking). </p>

<p>In the majors, remember the Mark Prior/Marcus Giles collision a few years ago, when both were supposed to play in the All-Star game? And Dodgers pitcher Ishii got hit in the face when he was pitching.</p>

<p>Oh, and I was never involved in any softball fights, but a Quiz Bowl match I was in did almost turn ugly over Caesar's The Gallic Wars. Go figure.</p>