Mock Trial

<p>Well we're inching closer and closer to the start of the school year (I know I can't wait to go back). I just wanted to see if there was any interest in joining the NYU mock trial team among you CCers. Don't worry about whether you did it or not in high school, college mock trial is very different from high school and our best players often have no experience. </p>

<p>For those of you who don't know how mock trial works, it focuses around one pre-determined case (a closed case, so no need to hit the law library) for the entire year. There are 6 players per side (prosecution/plaintiff or defense are the sides) with 6-8 players per team (as you can swap people for different sides. Teams are evenly split with three attorneys and three witnesses (for you Tischies out there, mock trial is a great way to put your acting chops to the competitive test!). Schools compete against each other throughout the year at invitational tournaments in preperation for Regionals in February and Nationals in March/April.</p>

<p>The teams are scored on presentation, NOT by who wins the verdict. Attorneys are scored on preperation, smoothness/style, knowledge of law, responses to objections, and controlling witnesses on cross. Witnesses are scored on believability, accuracy, knowledge of their facts, improv on cross, and presentation (entertaining!).</p>

<p>It's a ton of fun, a great way to meet and get close with people you'll know the rest of your time at college (something often hard to do at NYU), and we fly all over the country to amazing places like Iowa and Kentucky! lol.</p>

<p>Tryouts will be at the end of September. If you're interested in recieving more information when the school year starts, e-mail us at <a href=""></a>. Hope to see some CCers at tryouts!</p>