Moderators + Others: Suspicious PM

Today, I received a suspicious PM that gave me 2 links to download an app. I did not click on them, but they look highly questionable, especially since one of the links has stars instead of letters/words. It seems to be a self-promotional message. Has anyone else received a similar PM? Is there any way I can report this to the moderators?

Having PM’d @potatoepotatoe , I have resolved this issue. :slight_smile:

To answer the general question, it is a violation of ToS to spam users via PM, particularly to spam links. One can flag a post of the user and copy the PM contents into the report and a moderator will review.

Hi, I had one of these as well, but cannot find a post from the user to flag. What other options do I have to report them?

Search for a user’s post:

As a user needs 15 posts to PM, you should be able to find one.