<p>does the application for this univ. only require one teacher rec.?
because it's not letting me save another...</p>
<p>You don’t “save” your teachers individually to a school. After you invite them, go to the school’s specific page on School Forms and add the teachers to the slot(s).</p>
<p>Yes, WUSTL does only require 1 teacher recommendation.</p>
<p>whatwait… saving? slots? I just had my counselor send the recs in with my transcript. Is this a bad thing? Am I missing something???</p>
<p>And I think my counselor sent in two…</p>
<p>thank you very much guys</p>
<p>another question
i know that i go to the website for their scholarship app but where do i click to pull it up?</p>
<p>please tell me!
i need to finish by the 15th!</p>
<p>which scholarship?</p>
<p>Guys, why not just check their Web site?
[Academic</a> Scholarship & Fellowship Programs](<a href=“http://admissions.wustl.edu/SCHOLARSHIPS/Pages/default.aspx]Academic”>http://admissions.wustl.edu/SCHOLARSHIPS/Pages/default.aspx)</p>
<p>@tinuviel: What you did is fine. Don’t worry.</p>