Mortar Board worth joining?

<p>Hey Guys. D got an invite to join Mortar Board at UA this coming Friday. Does anybody have any insight on whether this society is worth joining? She is already in CBHP and other honor groups. Thanks.</p>

<p>I am surprised they let the students know. Back in the days when the Dinosaurs roamed the earth, you didn’t know whether you made it into Anderson, Mortar Board or ODK until you were tapped on the quad. Your friends might hint, whether you should appear on the quad or not, but the student didn’t get official notice.</p>

<p>To answer your question, Mortar Board is a pretty big deal. It isn’t an automatic honorary. You have to apply to join. If she has gone to the trouble to apply and has been chosen – and has thus taken a spot from somebody else who would very much like to be in Mortar Board – she should definitely join.</p>

<p>I’m one of the dinosaurs who was “tapped” for Mortar Board, back when it was a women’s only group. Mortar Board is not just grades…it’s an honorary for campus leaders with great grades. She’ll meet women there - oops, men too now - from the entire university. It was probably the biggest honor of my college career.</p>

<p>Wow, that’s awesome, bikedad! Congratulations to your daughter!</p>