Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society

<p>Hi All! Wondering if any of the experienced UA parents could give some insight into this organization. It’s an honor society for 1st year students. $50 for lifetime membership. Any feedback would be appreciated ;)</p>

<p>same here -

<p>My son is a member. There are some community service projects with the organization, which is nice if you want to do that. Some students, however, may find it not as interesting as other options on campus. It depends on one’s perspective, I guess.</p>

<p>Students with good grades will get invites to all kinds of societies and honors clubs</p>

<p>Our kids have limited their memberships to…</p>

<p>Phi Beta Kappa
Phi Kappa Phi
Mortar Board
and the honors assoc with their majors.</p>

<p>Over the next few years, your kids are going to be getting invites from many, many societies.</p>

<p>so, are you saying it is kind of not worthwhile to join these ones they are invited to now? </p>

<p>when might they get invited to the ones you mentioned mom?</p>

<p>D just forwarded me another invite yesterday: Phi Eta Sigma. I know that neither is a “scam” but can’t quite figure out the tangible benefits to either one. They’re reasonable ($50/lifetime membership) but…</p>

<p>same again ^, was looking for insight as to the value of any of these, also, in the case of an increasingly harder major, does it make sense to jump on one of these in the event that is all there is?</p>

<p>so basically, is this more for a social thing, looks good on a resume? I am 100% unfamiliar with any of this.</p>

<p>^^^Exactly. When I got my grad degree I was invited to join Beta Phi Mu, which is the honor society for Library and Information Studies. I’m now a lifetime member but don’t even get a newsletter. Which is fine but I’d like to help D figure out which invitations to take seriously.</p>

<p>So I poked around a little on the UA website and found this: [Honors</a> Societies](<a href=“]Honors”></p>

<p>as well as this: [url=&lt;a href=“]The”&gt;]The</a> Source | Where Do You Fit In?<a href=“Click%20on%20Student%20Organization%20Directory%20for%20organization%20info.”>/url</a></p>

<p>I have a question on the application for Alpha Lambda. They ask for present address. Should my son put his dorm room, or his PO Box, or his home address? There is a line for permanent address, which he’ll put his home address, but since he doesn’t get mail directly at his dorm, I’m not clear exactly what address he should put on the present address line.</p>

<p>Thanks for any help with this.</p>

<p>I always have my kids just put their home addess since their dorm and/or PO Box can change from year to year.</p>

<p>*so, are you saying it is kind of not worthwhile to join these ones they are invited to now? </p>

<p>when might they get invited to the ones you mentioned mom? *</p>

<p>I guess it just depends. What I’m saying is that kids with high GPAs are going to get a lot of these invites, so carefully select the more meaningful ones. </p>

<p>Phi Kappa Phi… the top 7.5 percent of second-semester juniors or the top 10 percent of seniors.</p>

<p>Phi Beta Kappa…when you have senior standing with at least 90 credits in Arts and Sciences. I don’t know what the minimum GPA req’t is. If, you’re an Engineering major, you will have to have at least 90 credits in A&S to be invited. Not impossible if you come in with lots of AP credits and do a minor. </p>

<p>Tau Beta Pi - Junior engineering students who rank in the top eighth of their class and seniors who rank in the top fifth of their class are invited to become candidates for membership.</p>

<p>Pi Mu Epsilon - Mathematics - Undergraduate students who have completed at least the equivalent of two semesters of calculus and two additional courses in mathematics, at or above the calculus level, all of which lead to the fulfillment of the requirements for a major in the mathematical sciences. In addition, such students must have maintained a grade point average equivalent to that of at least 3.0 on a 4 point scale, both for all courses that lead to fulfillment of requirements for a major in the mathematical sciences, and also for all courses that lead to fulfillment of requirements for an undergraduate degree.</p>

<p>Mortar Board - national honor society whose membership is composed of outstanding students dedicated to the values of scholarship, leadership, and service.</p>