Mosher Hall's Summer 2014 Remodeling

<p>Anyone have information on all they did to Mosher during this summer's closure and remodeling? E.g., improve room lighting, HVAC, furnishings, etc.?</p>

<p>Nope, but Mosher was awesome when I lived there! Sure, it wasn’t fancy, but it got the job done. Great location, surrounded by engineers. I met some of my best friends living there, I wouldn’t change a thing.</p>

<p>Thanks,Chaos…! Our son will be on bottom floor (he’s calling it “the basement”). Any words of wisdom or other encouragement for an incoming freshman engineering major (living in Mosher)? </p>

<p>I remember the basement! I had some friends down there.</p>

<p>He should know he’s going into a really good situation. The dorm rooms aren’t bad, RIGHT next to the commons and food and filled with engineers. He should be excited. Living on campus as a Freshman is a great experience I thought.</p>

<p>He’ll do fine in classes. The trick is just to stay motivated and to not get behind. Careful with Xbox’s or other gaming platforms, I left mine at home and I’m glad I did. Those kill your study habits and take up time you could be enjoying college! My friends who did well freshmen year weren’t necessarily the smartest, we just worked on stuff ahead of time. I graduated with over a 3.8 and have a 4.0 in grad school just due to working ahead of time.</p>

<p>One piece of advice, everyone will be as nervous as him about meeting people. People are especially open the first few days, so I advice him to meet everyone he can the first few days! Meet you suite mates the first day you move in and people in the hall. Buy a door jam and keep your door open, just meet people around you. I’ve been a groomsmen in two of my best friends weddings this summer which were people I met at Mosher.</p>

<p>Also if he can get involved in organizations that’s always a good thing. One route is through FLOs or Freshmen Leadership Organizations. I had a bunch of friends in those and they loved them. One is specific oriented toward engineers and it’s called LIFE, Leaders in Freshman Engineering. I applied and didn’t make it in (oh well) so I applied and became a fish camp counselor and I loved it. Getting into stuff outside of engineering is a nice break sometimes.</p>

<p>Anyway, hope this was helpful. I guess I’m all nostalgic now since I’m graduating with my Masters this coming December. Texas A&M is great, Mosher is a good place to live and engineering will give you a job when you graduate. I’m excited for him. </p>

<p>Wow, thanks, Chaos…! Good stuff that will serve both our son (and his parents, too)! All the best!</p>

<p>chaos–thanks for the info! Glad to know that Mosher will be a good spot. Best of luck as you finish your Masters!
tshusker–our son will also be in the Mosher basement. Is your son in the ELLC?</p>

<p>From Residence Life: “Mosher had new hall carpet installed, replacement flooring in the stairwells and landing areas, bathroom repainting/repairing & duct work cleaning, and an upgraded wi-fi done,” and “all of the desks have lockable draw…so you can bring your own padlock.”</p>

<p>Dive…, great to hear that your son will also be a basement dweller. I’m sure the boys will meet and get to know one another as the year progresses! Fun days ahead! </p>