In temporary housing, not what we signed up for

Son got an email 3days ago that he will be placed in a temporary housing because his room assignment is messed up. Today we moved him in to Mosher, he has no roommate and the room is just depressing. We don’t know exactly why it happened and how long he might be in there. Honestly this is not a good start for a freshman. Anyone had a similar situation?

Mosher is a GREAT dorm. My son was there last year on the first floor. He was next door to the RA and right next to the entrance door. He thought he would hate it for the noise but it was great.He actually spent more time on other floors in other rooms than his own. He was there only to sleep, shower and get dressed. He is a gym rat and loves his tub soak but had to forego one all year. For him, it was a huge sacrifice. Otherwise, he was at class, the gym, MSC, tutoring, free food at Chick-fil-A at closing time, other friends places, or his favorite study places. He met a ton of students in Mosher. It was great, because a lot of them were in his classes as well.

With the new Commons area open (was closed for my son and had to hoof it to Sabisa to eat) he should love it. Don’t let a little thing like room assignment ruin his experience.There is so much more awesomeness to be had. Things happen. Yea, things didn’t work out as planned and that’s a bummer, but honestly, Mosher is not the worst place to be. There are smaller and danker rooms.
It is only for a year, unless he wants to re-up for another dorm next year. Those emails go out in January I believe and if you want to stay in the dorm, you reply and go through the process. My D’s bestie moved over to Hullabaloo her second year after being in a ramp dorm her first year. Most students move to an apartment for Soph or Jr year. Mine is in an apartment for this year.

There are a lot of kids that get put on waiting list for housing and most get placed on campus. With the new housing selection format this year, it is likely that some did not get to chose and were assigned, depending on how far down they were on the list and what was left.

Good Luck to him!

My son’s freshman roommate was moved from temporary housing. He was roommate #3: #1 ended up taking a gap year due to an opportunity arising he couldn’t pass up(he notified us), #2 was Gateway & he failed - zero communication all of a sudden, just didn’t show up & the dorm told my son (eventually) & removed his name off the door, #3 was in temporary housing & moved in after the first week. It took a few days to confirm the other guy wasn’t coming, I think it was 10 days after move in (including howdy week) that his new roommate appeared. He also was in one of the Commons towers. His roommate was in a lounge/study room that was converted to a dorm for the first 2 weeks - used the hall bathroom (which has a shower). Some temporary housing is 3 to a 2 person room – those ones seem to be last to move (& some don’t move, they remain there all year by choice & all 3 roommates pay less) the lounge people seemed to move first. Both guys had a great freshman year, it’ll work out!

I need to tell my son about the chik-fil-A strategy !