Most FL Unis + some NY Unis (including Columbia, NYU, and Hofstra)

<p>Looking to apply to
- UF
- Columbia
- Hofstra
- NYU</p>

3.70 unweighted, ~5.23 weighted
Top 25% of class (Think top 10% now that the last semester ended)
IB Candidate (Eng, Bio, History HL; Spanish, Math, Visual Arts SL)
PSAT: 56CR, 57M, 53W; trying to improve over the summer
SAT: Predicted roughly 1800 from practice; need to improve
Past APs: Human Geo (3), World History (?)
Future APs: English Lit, USH, Stats
SAT Subject Tests: Taking Spanish, Chemistry, World History, & French(?)
During summer, took general education classes at the community college with a 4.0 GPA</p>

National Honor Society member (will gain 50+ hours from this)
The Congressional Award Candidate (~50% completed of Bronze Medal)
French Club, second year, will apply for leadership position for next year
Future Business Leaders of America, will apply for leadership for this year
300+ hours of volunteer (as an IB candidate, it's a given)
~100 hours directly from volunteering as a hospital volunteer
Freshmen, took Journalism 1; sophomore, freelance writer for school paper.
Applying for golf team fall semester & tennis team for spring semester </p>

2008: volunteered at a community children's camp, library
2009: volunteered at same community children's camp
2010: community college classes (4.0 GPA), various volunteering activities, attending journalism camp in L.A., tennis practice
2011: attending the Princeton journalism camp, community college classes, volunteering at the hospital</p>

Published poet, in three publications
The Who's Who of Leadership (an elected award)
The Who's Who of Journalism (an elected award)
Joe Kordick Youth Character Award (community service involvement)</p>

<p>Other Information:
Florida resident
Child to a single parent (divorced)
First on father's side to attend college
50% African American, 25% Native American</p>

<p>Is there anything recommended to pump up my resume? The past two years, I sort of ignored my desire to go to Columbia, knowing that it was a top tier school. However, I figured, why not? If I fail to get into Columbia, at least the efforts I put into my EC's and academics will get me into nice state colleges. Thank you.</p>

<p>Le bump. /10char</p>