<p>What do you think is the most prestigious university/LAC I could get into? I know its not all about prestige but I don't want to waste my time at schools I have no chance on. I'm a junior.</p>
<p>UC GPA: 3.8, regular unweighted(and weighted) is a 3.8 since i have no AP's yet
Honors: English 9, English 11
My projected SAT scores are around 2100(still waiting to get them back)
Senior Course load: Will have AP Macro, AP Stats, AP Gov, and APES.</p>
<p>UPWARD GRADE TREND: My UC gpa is a 3.8 because I pulled a 3.6 my sophomore year, but if everything continues to fall right, I will finish my last Junior semester with a perfect 4.0. Will that help?</p>
Varsity lettered on Snowboard team
National Honor Society
Link Crew
Club Soccer
2 Years of Lacrosse
Work jobs every summer
State-ranked #3 in Lincoln-Douglas debate (led team to state championship) WILL BE
One of four students in the entire state going to National Forensic League Finals in Indiana this Summer</p>
<p>Church Worship Band
Member of an Anti-Bullying Movement project taking place in my city</p>