<p>Ok so I'm a junior.
UC GPA: 3.8
Honors: English 9, English 11
My projected SAT scores are around 2100(still waiting to get them back)
Senior Course load: Will have AP Macro, AP Stats, AP Gov, and APES.</p>
<p>UPWARD GRADE TREND: My UC gpa is a 3.8 because I pulled a 3.6 my sophomore year, but if everything continues to fall right, I will finish my last Junior semester with a perfect 4.0. Will that help?</p>
Varsity lettered on Snowboard team (I'm from idaho) </p>
<p>National Honor Society</p>
<p>Club Soccer
2 Years of Lacrosse</p>
<p>State-ranked #3 in Lincoln-Douglas debate (led team to state championship) WILL BE
<p>One of four Idaho students going to National Forensic League Finals in Indiana this Summer</p>
<p>Church Worship Band</p>
<p>Member of an Anti-Bullying Movement project taking place in my city</p>
<p>Been a child actor for 7-8 years (before i moved to idaho for high school) w/starring roles on various national commercials, popular T.V. shows, and one starring role in an animated Disney movie released in 08'. (And NO I am not making this up, that would just be wasting my time and yours.)</p>
<p>I think that the upward trend is a good thing. After all, universities would rather see you improving rather than declining over the years
I think you could have some more ECs but your debate rank is really good and it’s really cool that you were an actor!</p>
<p>good luck!</p>
<p>chance me back?
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1334039-please-chance-me-top-schools.html#post14316802[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1334039-please-chance-me-top-schools.html#post14316802</a></p>
<p>Good chances. Your ECS should make up for a lowish gpa.</p>
<p>Your SAT score is well in range. But your GPA is on the low part
if you get a 4.0 this year, can you predict how much your GPA has gone up?
I think UCLA will look at GPA higher than GPA though. I think this because my SAT was lower than your’s and I got in to UCLA but my GPA was higher. 
I’m not sure about berkeley, because I got rejected.</p>
<p>Berkeley: Reach
UCLA: High match/Low reach</p>
<p>Thanks guys! I forgot one thing! Do my chances increase if I apply or can garner the possibility of a debate scholarship?? Like I said before I am number 3 in the entire state for debating, would this help if emphasized???</p>
<p>I MISCALCULATED MY UC GPA, ITS ACTUALLY A 4.0!!! So does this greatly increase my chances now???</p>
<p>what major?
Both are reach…unless you right a stellar essay. Your ECs are good…so that might push you over…but can’t say for sure. Where do you place in your high school class? your class rigor seems light as well.</p>
<p>Sorry for the late reply!</p>
<p>Okay, IMO you’re going to get into both. No doubt.</p>
<p>Try to emphasize your “child actor” EC because I have NEVER seen it before (and I’ve been on CC for a few years now–don’t go by my post count). Try to bump your SAT a bit more (maybe 2250+ ?), and you’re golden.</p>
<p>Good luck!</p>
<p>Also, contrary to other posters, it really depends on your age for your child acting to be a pro. If I was say middle school or elementary, I don’t think it is as big an advantage as others say. I mean, if you acted in elementary school/middle school, it does not tell them much about you and/or your personality coming into their college. Your parents probably managed all the finances etc, and that was that. By the same merit, this is why colleges do not look at middle school grades, and don’t even look at freshman year for UCs, because it tells them nothing about you and is irrelevant to who you are today. I mean if it was recent (in high school), I can see the benefit: you had to balance acting with rigorous schoolwork, showed passion and interest outside of school, perhaps you had a leadership role/used you influence for a good cause etc. Whereas child actors many times do not even consciously decide to act, but rather are just listening to their parents. I do not mean to be mean or put you down, just saying what I think.</p>
<p>UC B: Reach
UCLA: low Reach</p>
<p>Sports don’t really help you that much unless you get recruited for soccer. Neither has a snowboard or lacrosse team. Your substantial lack of APs and Honors classes means you don’t have too good of a chance. Your ECs are not very substantial except for the child acting. Unfortunately, you will not be able to submit a supplement for it so you better have some way of proving it on your college app. Most likely they will think you are lying unless you can provide very quick links to the films etc. Also, being captain of debate team is not that exciting. No need for caps lock there buddy.</p>
<p>Over all, you have a worse profile than several of the kids from my school who were rejected at UCB/UCLA</p>
<p>That being said, since you are out of state you will have somewhat of an advantage IF AND ONLY IF you don’t apply for financial aid. The UCs really need the money, so if you are willing to and able to pay the $54,078 to go there, you have a much better chance of getting in (assuming you don’t get beat out by an international student who has similar or better scores and is able to pay much more). </p>
<p>I would suggest that while you fill out the UC app you also check to boxes to send the app to other UCs which would be more in the match range like SD, Davis, SB, SC. </p>
<p>All said, you seem fairly smart and motivated, but the increasing competition for UCs will leave you undistinguished from the literally tens of thousands of other apps which make it much harder to get in. </p>
<p>Good luck on your app!
Chance me back?
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1355507-new-sat-score-chance-rising-senior-will-chance-back.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1355507-new-sat-score-chance-rising-senior-will-chance-back.html</a></p>