Move in - Student Orientation IV Question

A question about moving into the dorm. DS is attending SO session IV (end of August) and doing Navigating Rensselaer and Beyond. We will fly in. Will he get to move into his actual room or iwill he stay in a temporary room for SO? I want to make sure his actual room is set up before I fly home and can’t see me staying while he is doing NRB. Please let me know if you have insight into how this works.

We did the last SO and DD moved right into her dorm room. There were special move-in times for her SO so her roommates didn’t arrive until a couple days later. Something we weren’t quite prepared for is that that once SO starts you hardly see your kid. We thought we’d be able to finish up some things room-wise after move-in day, but I ended up having to come to her dorm at midnight to deliver some things because that was the first time I got to see her all day.

Thank you, @tulip71. I don’t think it will take us long to set up since I’m not allowed to go overboard. I’ll look at the parent schedule and plan on it beings a short stay for me.