Moving back to campus from East Edge/Bluffs

<p>Wondering what will happen when all the scholarship students who were placed at East Edge and Bluffs come back to rooms on campus.</p>

<p>Will those kids get room picks before other scholarship students who have lived on campus the whole time?</p>

<p>Will those kids be able to come back to honors?</p>

<p>The boys are having a hard time finding a foursome of scholarship students, and have decided now to not take their chances on the nonhonors dorms.</p>

<p>They’re now fearful that those who were in Riverside/Lakeside will be without rooms now because the East Edge/Bluffs scholarship students will get first crack at the available rooms in honors housing and they’ll have to return to Riverside/Lakeside, whether they want to or not.</p>

<p>Has Bama decided not to use any offcampus housing for scholarship students for the Fall? Is is certain that The Bluff will not be used at all? </p>

<p>I can see doing that in 2014 when the second Presidential hall opens, but I wonder if they’re going to have room for everyone? </p>

<p>I wonder how many housing scholarship students are at The Bluff and East Edge? </p>

<p>Either way, I don’t see why the Bluff and East Edge students would have “first crack” at anything. Isn’t their pick time based on credits, not their location?</p>

<p>East Edge students do get to come back to honors housing. </p>

<p>Do students in current on campus housing who want to stay in their current room get to make that choice before the timed room selection process begins?</p>

<p>If so, I don’t know if East Edge students would get to make selections after that group (since they obviously can’t choose to stay in the same room and use their housing scholarship) or if they’d be placed in the general pool of everyone who has to select by assigned time.</p>

<p>Most of my daughter’s close friends are guys. She doesn’t know enough honors girls with housing scholarships, so she’s just going to randomly select a room this year.</p>

<p>I can ask her if she knows any guys looking for a good roommate situation. She’s also in East Edge, as are many of her friends.</p>

<p>The kids in East Edge/The Bluffs are in the same situation as kids in Lakeside and Riverside who want to stay in honors housing - they can’t pick their current room or building. I have to think they’ll be treated the same.</p>



<p>I’ve been mentally giving my D a >50% chance of getting to stay on campus as a rising second-year student, but this discussion is really making me question that. I guess we will know in about a week!</p>

<p>m2ck … yes, we have been informed that UA will not be contracting with any outside apartments for the upcoming school year. EE was always thought to be a 1 year arrangement. I’m not sure what the deal was with the Bluffs. My D was specifically told that her only option (to retain her scholarship) was to stay in the dorm, or choose one of the on campus apartment style options (Bryce Lawn or The Highlands). Given the new rules for Juniors and Seniors going into effect, her girlfriends (non scholarship) are leaving the dorms since they are no longer guaranteed housing. Therefore, my D will be moving out of the dorms, thus forgoing 2 years of housing scholarship. She showed initiative, set up meetings with housing and scholarship staff to plead her case for an exception to have her scholarship applied at Bluffs as has been done in the past (according to staff at Bluffs), and she was denied. I suppose, given that newly entering NMFs are only getting one year of free housing, that we should feel lucky to have gotten 2 years, but it does sting a bit to be letting that benefit go, obviously. BTW, her comment on Bryce and Highlands? She said maybe boys could live there, but the units she saw were seriously dated, run down, and in need of serious upgrades. She’ll be turning 21 in the Fall, so in some cases it’ll be good for her to be off campus, but it seems to us that options placed at our feet were quite limited especially in relation to what has been offered others in previous years. No sour grapes as she’s very happy to be living in EE next year, but from our perspective it’s a shame she has to lose the scholarship.</p>

<p>It is so frustrating. On the phone with son for hours last night, trying to calm him down. His friends are moving off campus, as housing has told them, as rising seniors without scholarships, they have zero chance of getting back on campus. It is such a shame, with just one year left, these kids will be uprooted. Son is thinking of moving over to Ridgecrest because he fears the nonhonors atmosphere that his beloved Riverside will become. However, only one of his roommates is on housing scholarship, and if the two of them place themselves in an open Ridgecrest suite, he is fearful what the random two suitemates will bring. He has done random honors housing before, with dreadful results. Lots of prayers going on here that things will work out for the best. Good luck to all!</p>

<p>Montegut – Could they try for one of the two room suites in Ridgecrest? It would cost you a little out of pocket, but still far cheaper than moving off campus. </p>

<p>My D is sad to have to come back to campus from East Edge – mostly due to the location, but also because she got great random roommates at East Edge this year. (However, one isn’t on scholarship and is staying at East Edge, one is graduating and the other isn’t yet sure what she is going to do.) </p>

<p>The housing options for upper level students in nursing and music are really sparse on campus. From the honors dorms, it is almost as fast to walk the two miles to the Moody as it is to take the bus. She has considered Bryce Lawn, but agrees that they are probably too grungy for girls. She would like to move off campus with friends, but the complex her friends live in would require us to buy a car. Giving up a housing scholarship, buying a car, paying for parking and automobile gas and upkeep, and sending her younger sister to college (with at most only one year of housing for younger sis if she goes to Alabama) may be financially out of reach for our family.</p>

<p>in that case, montegut, it might be better for him to stick with the roomies he loves and move off campus for his last year. if the kids at east edge love it, then maybe they could move there.</p>

<p>i know it would cost you more, but it might be worth it for the peace of mind.</p>

<p>they could also probably find something cheaper than east edge if the cost is a big concern.
i think there are houses sort of near sorority row that are good options and not too expensive.</p>

<p>i doubt that many east edge kids are going to want to move back into the dorms.</p>

<p>It would be nice if there was a event or “bulletin board” for the upperclassmen with housing scholarships to meet and find potential roommates. I know my D doesn’t meet many girls with the housing scholarship. One of her current roommates is a NMF, but she doesn’t know what the other two girls (a freshman and a sophomore) will be doing for next year.</p>

<p>I was disappointed to hear that students in honors housing are no longer guaranteed on-campus housing and that the Bluffs and East Edge can no longer be leased through UA housing. I think both of those announcements were made a couple months ago, but likely flew under the radar for a lot of people.</p>

<p>While less posh than East Edge or the Bluffs, honors housing in Ridgecrest is still very nice and better than the options for senior student housing at many other schools. It is not too far from the engineering buildings and is very close to the business school, political science, history, and English departments, and is very close to the Ferguson center.</p>

<p>I really think that Housing should make certain floors of Ridgecrest closed to first year students, preferably the top two floors of either Ridgecrest West or Ridgecrest East.</p>

<p>Good points to all the above posters. The off campus option is out for us because the four friends have their apartment, so son would be odd man out. He’d basically be doing a random roommate situation and paying for it.</p>

<p>I would really like to recommend the two person suite at the Ridgecrest Honors for the remaining two boys and will suggest that to the boys. I don’t know if those rooms are scarce and would still be available to them, since they would be switching buildings, which is usually way down on the selection order.</p>

<p>I agree, it would be great for a bulletin board to be started for the scholarship students to meet. Perhaps they could start a Facebook group? I think there are Facebook groups for some of the dorms, where those who are being forced off campus are trying to hook up to find places together. Maybe the scholarship kids could do something similar.</p>

<p>As for the two person suite for a housing scholarship student, does anyone know how much the upcharge would be? Maybe housing can chime in there, or someone can provide the link. I wonder if even a two person suite in Riverside might be an option for them, if that was all that was available.
Saying my prayers for everyone that it all works out.</p>

<p>East Edge is probably out for most students. As of early December, the only thing they had available are studios. So you are living by yourself. My son wanted 2 bedroom but was put on a waiting list hundreds of students long. He really didn’t want to room by himself and the cost is high. He is hoping to go back on to campus because he wants to be near the engineering buildings. He is an honors student but does not have a housing scholarship. I think his chances are very slim but I guess we will find out next week. Good luck to all.</p>

<p>Here is a link to the rates for the 2012-2013 year. The 2013-2014 rates aren’t up yet. </p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Does anyone know which of the Ridgecrests have single and double rooms?</p>

<p>could the two boys move into bryant (isn’t that where they have the men’s engineering LLC)?</p>

<p>they might be able to get into a suite with an RA. i would think that the RAs might be less likely to be an out of control roommate than the typical random roommate. when we were picking a room, it seemed like there were often open spots in RA rooms.</p>

<p>maybe your son could contact whoever is in charge of NMF (and similar) students and see if they could send an email to try to identify those with housing scholarships that are looking for like roommates. this could be easily handled.</p>

<p>Thank you for that link. I will pass that on to the boys.</p>

<p>Both towers of RCS have two person suites.</p>

<p>These housing posts are anxiety provoking - one of the huge draws about the school was the spectacular housing, now it seems that housing may be difficult to even find? Did the school really revoke housing scholarships that were offered? What is next, revoking tuition scholarships? Sorry if that sounds extreme but something isn’t adding up right here…there are apparently not enough rooms, OOS with no transportation or ties in Ttown have to be able to have some level of confidence they can get housing (as do their parents!) if the school wants to attract them. Can the housing rep please chime in and give some kind of assurance or advice? I think this is going to become a very big problem if not dealt with,</p>

<p>Housing Scholarships for NMF students were not revoked for existing students, but changed to include only 1 year for new, incoming students (not the 4 years, as previously). Anyone who was offered a 4-yr housing scholarship is still guaranteed housing through all 4 years. Only new, incoming NMFs are on a 1-year housing scholarship, and are well aware of this change.</p>

<p>No scholarships have been revoked either, and UA does not work like that. Future incoming students might find changes to their future awards, but once those awards are offered, they are not changed (unless student no longer qualifies). Have confidence in UA.</p>

<p>Remember also that Presidential II will be opening for Fall 2014, with ~1000 additional beds.</p>