Moving out of state affects tuition?

<p>If I were to move to the state where the college I want to go to is located in, will I still have to pay an out-of-state tuition?</p>

<p>It depends.
Are you a financially independent adult?
If so, typically you would need to establish residency in that state for some period of time (maybe 1 year) before you become eligible for in-state rates. That would mean having a permanent residential address in the state, getting a driver’s license in that state, getting a job and paying taxes in that state, etc. </p>

<p>If you are under 24 and cannot demonstrate financial independence, then typically it would depend on your parents establishing residency (living in the state for a year, paying taxes there, etc.)</p>

<p>But check the specific requirements for any school that interests you. Example:
[Establishing</a> Legal Residence - Office Of The Registrar](<a href=“]Establishing”></p>