moving to the east coast

<p>anyone else from the west coast and making a drastic move to the east coast? im a bit scared in general.
and also, this might be a stupid question, but what kind of clothing will i need to buy for the winter. im born&raised in southern california, so i highly doubt im prepared for jhu's winter</p>

<p>Here's some feedback on what to wear for winter: <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>i get to go shopping! :) hahah</p>

<p>thanks for the website</p>

<p>I'm from Norcal and scared out of my mind because I almost froze when I went to visit, hahaha</p>

<p>let's go shopping (:</p>

<p>ahaha. i went up there to visit some friends over christmas break, and wore my ski jacket then. everyone was laughing at me. i thought it was "hella" cold, haha</p>

<p>is there more snow or rain?
how long does the snow season last?</p>

<p>I'm from Houston where anything below 70 is cold, so I definitely had the same questions before I came up here. Make sure you have a few hoodies (everyone wears them, and most people will buy a Hopkins hoddie at some point) and a heavy jacket. Most of the time, layering with a tshirt and a hoodie is enough - if it's really cold, then a t-shirt, hoddie and jacket should cover it. </p>

<p>As for the weather in general, you get used to it pretty fast. The first time it snows, everyone from Texas, Florida and California ends up standing at the windows watching in amazement, but I think the night of the first snowfall freshman year, I was out on the freshman quad with friends till 4am. We actually didn't get much heavy snow this year, but we did get one snow day (on the day of one of my midterms!). Most of the time, the snow will be really light and not stick on the ground for too long.</p>



<p>hahahaha, that's going to be me</p>

<p>and yeah I visited in April and it was FREEZING ): winds are insane. and I did let a "hella" slip out, and my friend was like, what did you just say? what does that mean?</p>

<p>i take offense to that, i live in texas and it snows here</p>

<p>I'm from CA too! I think it's good to get a little change too and see what the east coast is like. It's only for four years and that's enough time to decide if I want to head back for grad school or stay on the east coast</p>

<p>karenness, i totally agree. thats one of the reasons jhu is appealing.</p>

<p>my friend said she'd slap me if i came home with any east coast slang like "wicked cool" hahaha
(i know we're prob generalizing too. i dont mean to offend anyone)</p>