<p>I currently am on the wait list for Cal Poly Pomona and Cal State Fullerton. Doubt Im getting in. So Im already planning for community college already. I live a lot closer to Mt Sac than PCC. So is there any difference between transferring from Mt SAC or PCC to a UC or USC? Higher transfer rate? Im aiming for UCLA or USC but at least UCI and UCSD. </p>
<p>Another question is if I do a TAG with UCI or UCSD, are the courses different from courses that I take to be able to go to UCLA or USC?</p>
<p>Any help is appreciated. Thanks.</p>
<p>I’m sure both of them are good. I know a lot of people who went to Mt. SAC and transferred to UCLA. They have TAP and the honors program so they should both help you out. I can’t say anything about PCC, but I’m sure they have programs that can help you out.</p>
<p>Go to the school that you know you can get classes. Thats the most important thing. I go to PCC and it is extremely difficult. I heard a lot of good things about MT. SAC, but I’ve never heard about the difficulty of getting classes. </p>
<p>Make sure to get your classes on TIME!!!</p>
<p>^ Yea i’ve heard that about PCC. And someone told me its hard to get classes at Mt Sac too. I dont know what to do… Whatever, Im gonna apply to Mt Sac. </p>
<p>Whats the difference between honors program and TAG? Different classes?</p>
<p>im at SAC and going to USC next fall.</p>
<p>if anything id go to both to make sure you get classes.
to get mtsac classes is also a pain. parking is worse.</p>
<p>honors program and tag are related.</p>
<p>i believe you complete 6 honors courses, all your GEs, and major prereqs
maintain a 3.5 GPA and your guaranteed admission to the school.</p>
<p>but UCLA and CAL dont have TAG, they have TAP. which is not a guaranteed transfer, but you get priority admission.</p>
<p>i believe USC doesnt have any sort of priority admission agreement with PCC/Mt SAC. </p>
<p>heres what you do.
- apply to sac, take all your tests
- apply to honors if you can
- if you get into honors, make an appointment with linda diaz (she will help you plan out your next 2 years or so)
- get as many classes as you can that fulfill your GE/Major pre reqs
- maintain your stellar GPA and transfer OUT</p>
<p>shoot me a pm if u have questions.</p>
<p>just posted a new mtsac thread, so feel free to ask questions there so any future mtsac student can look through there
<p>Thanks dainese for the info. Sent you a PM.</p>