MT transfer student for fall of 2022 -- too late?

My daughter is a sophomore in a college whose theatre program has been a disappointment to her. She wants to transfer but is panicking a bit over figuring out which programs have musical theatre options and transfer deadlines that haven’t already passed. She is open to auditioning and also to looking at non-audition programs if they have decent theatre departments that put on musicals. I would love to pass along any recommendations!

Muhlenberg, for example, accepts transfer applications for the fall as late as June 15th. If your daughter might want to apply (by December 10th) for the spring semester, that remains an option as well.

Transfer Student FAQs | Muhlenberg College.

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hi! currently going through the transfer process for fall 22 (currently attending a conservatory bfa program that I’m not happy at)
uri has a wonderful (non-audition) bfa theatre program where you can pick concentrations (acting, directing, etc). 4 mainstages a year & many student run. it’s currently my first pick so I know a lot- feel free to ask me anything!

other non-audition: hunter & city college, wagner theatre studies, salve regina,
audition: Manhattanville, u new Hampshire, Marymount manhattan. best of luck!

What part of the country is she looking for? There are quite a few with rolling dates but if you can give some of the other criteria she is looking for…