<p>Murphee is my top choice for Summer B and Fall because hopefully I can stay in the same room and not move out</p>
<p>But I really want to rush a sorority...Is Murphee too far away? How long of a walk to the sororities?</p>
<p>Next choice is toss- up between Beaty and Rawlings</p>
<p>What is a Quad in Rawlings...curious because it is more expensive than the double room</p>
<p>I think you may end up regretting choosing Murphree if you rush a sorority, since you’ll spend a huge amount of your time at the house freshman year and it’s quite a walk. I know lots of girls who lived in Beaty/Jennings and LOVED IT because they were so close to Sorority Row. Also, I think they force you to move out between summer B and Fall anyway…I’m not sure that you’re allowed to stay. So maybe don’t take that into consideration when choosing a dorm?</p>
<p>@alovestori. Thank you…that is my fear. I know you are suppose to eat your meals there</p>
<p>NEW for this year you are allowed to stay in your room and not move out:</p>
<p>Summer B students who completed both a Summer B and Fall/Spring Contract by the due date above will have the opportunity in March to select a Summer B room. If this Summer B room is also open for Fall/Spring the Assignments team will roll your assignment forward for Fall/Spring. This will only be offered in the month of March. This will save you time and money. If your rooms are not the same for Summer B and Fall then you will have to move out during the break period. UF Housing does not have storage between Summer B and Fall. *If you transfer rooms in Summer B (one you are on campus) your room will not be transferred for Fall/Spring.</p>
<p>Jennings is not an option for Summer B/nor is Broward, so what about Rawlings, Yulee, Mallory, or Reid?</p>
<p>The date I paid my 25.00 was back in Aug. so I know I have an excellent chance of getting my first choice.</p>
<p>Not sure if I want Beaty and stuck in a room with 3 others who may or may not be slobs in bathroom/kitchen</p>
<p>I believe Yulee, Rawlings, Mallory and Reid are all quite close to Row! Remember, three houses are not on-row at all though, so take that into consideration when you make your choice! Pi Beta Phi is on fraternity row, Kappa Alpha Theta is a few blocks behind and over from the main sorority row, and Kappa Kappa Gamma is on 13th avenue closer to Carlton Hall. I’m not overly familiar with any of those dorms, but I know a whole bunch of our new members this year all lived in Mallory together and walked over for dinner, chapter, and sorority events together!</p>
<p>1)Do the knew member use the busing system to get to or from the houses. Or is the Bus a bad Idea? </p>
<p>2)In fact, is the busing system used a lot on campus overall,or do most people walk?</p>
<p>3)I know many students purchase scooters. Is that necessary/recommended if you live on campus?</p>
<p>1-2) Yes, absolutely, bussing to and from sorority row (or fraternity row, if you end up a Pi Phi) is simple. Bus 127 has three tops right outside sorority row, circles past Jennings/Broward/Beaty/Rawlings/Turlington/Library West and back around to row again. If you lived in the Murphee area, it would be a fairly short walk to the bus stop to take the 127 to row. HOWEVER, many sorority functions require you to be at the house well past the time where the 127 stops operating. So, really, while the bus is helpful during the day it might not solve the distance problem. Usually an older sister will walk or drive you home, though, if you need it. At night, SNAP is also an option. I have a car and live in my sorority house, which is very centrally located, but I still take the 127 to class every single day.
Walking to and from class only takes about ten minutes, but I’m lazy and hate to walk, so since the bus comes every few minutes and stops basically outside my house I just do that. I know a lot of people who rely on the bus system to get around.</p>
<p>3) I do not personally have a scooter, nor do I think it’s necessary to own one. Lots of people do and love it, so it all depends on your personal preference. If I were you, I would go a semester sans scooter and see how it works out for you. Don’t waste your money buying a scooter before you know if you really need/want it. :)</p>